Location: Incheon.
Vacancies: 1 (male)
Availability Date: Early December, 2007
Salary: 2.0M ~
Teaching times: 2:00-10:00
Teaching hours: 120 hours
Working days: Monday to Friday
Student’s Level: Elementary and Middle school students
Housing: Single studio
Benefits: Round trip airfare, Severance pay, Health insurance(50%), Paid vacation(10days plus all national holidays)etc..
Comments: Good school, nice boss. We’ve worked with this school before. Nice position. The school will prepay your flight.
***************Required Documents***************
A) Complete Bachelor's degree in any major.
B) A valid passport from these major English speaking countries: CAN, USA, AUZ, NZ, UK, ZA.
C) Sealed transcripts from your university.
*************** Contact information***************
ESL Elite Recruiting
ESL Elite Recruiting
Business license number: 1-508-189-95