Apr 19th, 2007, 06:41 am
eslHQ Member | | Join Date: Nov 11th, 2006
Posts: 19
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Game 8-11 year olds large class I can't remember what this is called and I can't take credit for it as I found it somewhere on the net but it's such an easy game and was so successful I thought I would share it. My class is large but I am sure it could work just as well with a slightly smaller class.
Write the alphabet jumbled up all over the board (within reaching distance for the children). One child from each team stands at the back, teacher shouts out a letter e.g w, they run to the board and must find and circle the letter. It's great fun while they are frantically searching the board and their team mates are shouting out to them.
This game is simple and effective so I would highly recommend it. Chinese whispers also works too, they love running to the board. |