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  #21 (permalink)  
Unread Sep 24th, 2010, 06:10 am
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Talking Re: The Best ice breaker

Quote marymary View Post
another good one (especially for high school students who get a kick out of the initial surprise) involves a fresh roll of toilet paper. <snip>

Superb idea!

I've literally just finished my CELTA course and I wish I'd known about it 4 weeks ago! :-)


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  #22 (permalink)  
Unread Sep 29th, 2010, 11:21 am
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Default Re: The Best ice breaker

If you have a class that is mature enough to handle the following ice breaker you should try it. Get a rubber ball that is really light and about the size of a kick ball that kids play with. They have them in any store like Wal Mart. Write questions all over the ball that ask basic questions. You could write things like "What is your name?" or "Where are you from?" You throw the ball to any student and his job is to answer the questions that the thumb of his right hand is touching. After answering the question this students throws the ball to another student. He does the same. I've had a lot of fun with this activity, but I've also had classes that just whip the ball at each other and it becomes dodge ball...
Andrew Lawton
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  #23 (permalink)  
Unread Oct 4th, 2010, 04:19 am
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Default Re: The Best ice breaker

Quote qamsakon View Post

this is an icebreaker I use just before I start my lesson. everyone stand in a circle. the first student shouts, "anything" the next student shouts "like what?"
the third "animals". any category is ok. example
1st studend "anything"
2nd student "Like what"
3rd student " boys names
4th student " peter"
5th and so on must shout any boys name they know until some1 decides to change and say "that's all. then the student next to that one starts from the begining...anything then the circle goes on "like what"......"animals".......sheep, donkey and so on. everyone must clap 2 times to make a rythm. clap.clap "anything" clap.clap,clap..."like what" and so on. 1 mistake, you sitdown until 1/2 students remain then they get a candy or anything.
I really like the sound of the "anything" game. I'm going to try it out next week with my high school's English Club. Thanks very much!

The toilet paper game looks good too. It's just a shame that here in Japan toilet rolls aren't divided into squares! ^_^ (I might try the deck of cards though)

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  #24 (permalink)  
Unread Oct 24th, 2010, 06:24 am
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Default Re: The Best ice breaker

Quote marymary View Post
another good one (especially for high school students who get a kick out of the initial surprise) involves a fresh roll of toilet paper. bring it in and at the beginning of class pull off "as much as you need." then pass the roll around and ask the students to pull off "as much as they need". after everyone has what they consider to be a sufficient amount of t.p., explain that they need to give one piece of introductory information about themselves for every square of toilet paper that they are now holding. start with yourself.

this is best for smaller groups (it can get a bit tedious with a bunch of people) and for groups who don't already know all about each other.
That is one of my favorites, too. I always get the same reaction everytime before I start this activity.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Unread Nov 1st, 2010, 12:57 pm
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Default Re: The Best ice breaker

Here is an article I wrote on my blog about Ice Breaker Games for Adults a few weeks ago because I noticed the topic kept coming up again and again in ESL forums.

Hope it helps!
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  #26 (permalink)  
Unread Jan 25th, 2011, 11:47 pm
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Default Re: The Best ice breaker

The toilet paper idea is hilarious!

Quote qamsakon View Post

this is an icebreaker I use just before I start my lesson. everyone stand in a circle. the first student shouts, "anything" the next student shouts "like what?"
the third "animals". any category is ok. example
1st studend "anything"
2nd student "Like what"
3rd student " boys names
4th student " peter"
5th and so on must shout any boys name they know until some1 decides to change and say "that's all. then the student next to that one starts from the begining...anything then the circle goes on "like what"......"animals".......sheep, donkey and so on. everyone must clap 2 times to make a rythm. clap.clap "anything" clap.clap,clap..."like what" and so on. 1 mistake, you sitdown until 1/2 students remain then they get a candy or anything.
This sound fun and easily adaptable for how much time and students you have too...

I was wondering whether it's intended for younger learners or have you had success using it in adult classes?
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  #27 (permalink)  
Unread Jun 7th, 2011, 03:15 am
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Default Re: The Best ice breaker

Two Truths and a Lie. Have the students say three things about themselves. 2 things are true and one thing is a lie. The rest of the students have to guess what is the lie. This is a great way to get to know your students and for them to share fun facts about themselves.
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