Would you rather learn something new slowly or just take a plun_ _ ? What does it depend on?
Where do you usually h_ _ g your clothes/coats? Why?
Has any film scene sca_ _ _ you out of your mind? Which one?
What would you like to improve in your surr_ _ _ _ings?
Which activity that you do regularly is the most peri_ _ _ s?
Would you like to lo_ p one film scene and watch it for hours? If so which scene would you choose?
Would you rather climb a st_ _ _ mountain slope or go around it?
Do you think that smo_ _ _ materials are best for clothes? Do you like them?
Are you scared _ _ spiders/snakes/darkness/he_ _ hts?
Do you think that certain laws can be be_ t? Which ones? When?
Do you think that giving students tests is me_ _ _ _ ess?
Which problem would you most like to over_ _ _ e in your life?
Would you cl_ _m that your Polish is good? Why/Why not?
Do you think that train tr_ _ _s should be wider?
Do you take a li_ _ or climb the stairs more often?