Do you want to teach ESL in Taipei in a catholic girls’ high school with lake in the front and mountains in the back? We need 2 certified teachers in Taipei, Taiwan. Online application:
Taiwan is a country at South East Asia; we are an island country with magnificent scenes and passionate people. Feel free to visit us! For more information of Taiwan, please visit this website:
Taiwan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Taipei is the capital of Taiwan, and the biggest city in Taiwan, too. Taipei is the most convenient city to live in because of the mass transportation system and it has all of the things that a major city requires. For more information of Taipei, please visit this website:
Taipei City Government- Home
1. The school pays a salary of NT 60,000 per month.
2. The school pays NT 5,000 as housing allowance.
3. The school pays NT 3,000 as performance bonus.
4. The school pays NT 2,000 as attendance bonus.
5. You will get a total of NT 70,000 per month (Before Tax).
6. 7~14 days of paid vacation.
7. ARC, work permit, health and accident insurance provided.
With all these benefits, what are you waiting for? APPLY NOW!!!
Please email Jack your resume, photo, scans of degrees and scan of passport to:
Or contact Jack by calling: