Are you looking for a job start ASAP? Here is your chance to start right now!
JOB 01
Milltary School English Teacher
A Taiwanese Milltary school is looking for teacher with Milltary background or Milltary relate cetrified teacher.
Great benefits and salary.
JOB 02
Teach in Taiwan backyard garden Yi-Lan
Salary up to NT80,000
Attend Bonus NT2,000/mth
Performance Bonus NT3,000/mth
Health Insurance Provided
One month Paid Holiday
Health Insurance provided
Work permit and visa assistance
JOB 03
Famous Taoyuan High School
Junior Division TAX FREE
Salary: NT 65,000
Health Insurance provided
Work permit and visa assistance
Applicants Qualification:
1. Native English Speaker
2. Bachelor Degree (or Higher) Holder
3. Certified Teacher License Holder.
4. USA, CA, UK, AUS, NZ, SA or IRE Passport Holder
Document Requirements:
1. CV file.
2. Copy of your Passport (Photo page).
3. Copy of your Teacher license.
4. Copy of your BA degree(Notarize by Taiwanese embassy locate in the country of your graduation)
5. Police criminal check statement.
6. One recently photo/picture of a daily life. (with student or friend will be great )
There are many other jobs, feel free to email me for more details.
Email Today!!!
John Dewey International Education Consultants Ltd.
TEL: +886-4-2381-3698 / FAX: +886-4-2381-3705
14F No.666, Sec 2, Wu Chuan West Rd., Nantun, Taichung, 408, Taiwan
Teaching English in Taiwan - Teaching ESL Abroad, Free ESL Job Resource
Please make sure your passport is valid more than 1 year.