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Old Aug 26th, 2008, 01:22 am
eslHQ Zealot
Join Date: Sep 7th, 2007
Posts: 65
jackkao is on a distinguished road
Smile Over 2300 USD per month!! ESL teaching in Taiwan!!!

Come to teach ESL in Asia, Taiwan! The most beautiful island in the world!!! We have thousands of positions available all around Taiwan!! Taiwan is a country at South East Asia; we are an island country with magnificent scenes and passionate people. Feel free to visit us!
Please email Jack your resume, photo, scans of degrees and scan of passport to:

Please tell me which one of the following positions appeals attractive to you, and email me your resume, recent photo, scan of your degrees, scan of your teaching license, and the scan of your passport, and I will try to offer you a secured job before your arrival.

Contact Jack by calling:

Afternoon-only K ~ 6 ESL teaching job in Taiwan, Taichung!!!
Do you want to teach K ~ 6 ESL kids in the afternoon only with beautiful site-seeing sceneries around? Come and teach!!!

School Location: Dong Shi town, Taichung County, the town is about 40 ~ 50 minutes away by bus from Taichung city.

Taichung County is in the middle of Taiwan, with beautiful sceneries and passionate people. It is a good place to have a casual life and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

Main information:
1. School information: Sesame Street English School
2. School type: Language cram school and Kindergarten
3. Students’ age: 4 ~ 14, level K ~ 6.
4. Materials are provided by the school.
5. Actual teaching hours: 3 hours a day, from 3 PM ~ 6 PM, Monday to Friday, Wednesdays are from 2 PM ~ 6 PM.
6. NT 550 per hour, plus a housing allowance of 3,500 per month.
7. Get paid on the 15th of next month, cash.
8. ARC, work permit provided.
9. Teachers are required to be at the school one hour earlier as office hour to prepare for the teaching, office hours are not paid.

Afternoon-only K ~ 6 ESL teaching job in Taiwan, Taipei!!!
Do you want to teach K ~ 6 ESL kids in the afternoon only in the capital of Taiwan, Taipei? Come and teach ESL in the most beautiful island in the world!!!

Taipei is the capital of Taiwan, and the biggest city in Taiwan, too. Taipei is the most convenient city to live in because of the mass transportation system and it has all of the things that a major city requires.

Main information:
1. School information: Sesame Street English School
2. School type: Language cram school and Kindergarten
3. Students’ age: 7 ~ 12, level 1 ~ 6.
4. Materials are provided by the school.
5. Actual working hours: 4 hours a day, from 3:30 PM ~ 9:00 PM, with 20 minutes of break in the middle, Monday to Friday.
6. The school pays NT 60,000 per month on the 10th of next month.
7. The school pays NT 650 per hour for extra working hours.
8. The school pays NT 15,000 as an end-of-contract bonus.
9. ARC, work permit provided.
10. Teachers are required to be at the school one hour earlier as office hour to prepare for the teaching, office hours are not paid.

Public school TAX-FREE jobs in Chia Yi, Taiwan!!!
Do you want to teach ESL in the most advanced city in Taiwan? We have 2 vacancies available in a public secondary education school in Hsin Chu city, Taiwan!

Chia Yi is a city in south Taiwan with warm weather and passionate people. The city is a traditional city with lots of traditional buildings and culture.

1. The school offers NT$62,890 per month, TAX FREE!!!
2. NT$2,000 as attendance bonus per month, tax-free.
3. NT$3,000 as performance bonus per month, tax-free.
4. Airfare reimbursement up to NT$20,000.
5. Health insurance and labor insurance provided.
6. ARC, work permit provided.
With all these benefits, what are you waiting for? APPLY NOW!!!

Private High School ESL teaching in Taiwan, Taichung!!!
Do you want to teach ESL with ocean views in the front? We have 1 vacancy available right now in a high school in Taiwan, Taichung!!!

Taichung is the third large city which is in the middle of Taiwan, the weather in Taichung is not too hot and nor too cold; with the convenience of big cities, without the noises of metropolises.

1. The school provides NT 67,000 per month.
2. End of contract bonus of NT 60,500.
3. Health insurance, labor insurance provided.
4. ARC, work permit provided.
With all these benefits, what are you waiting for? APPLY NOW!!!

Tax-free primary ESL teaching in Taipei, Taiwan!!!
Do you want to teach ESL in Taipei with tax-free salaries and airfare reimbursement provided? We need 2 certified teachers for an elementary school in Taipei, Taiwan.

Taipei is the capital of Taiwan, and the biggest city in Taiwan, too. Taipei is the most convenient city to live in because of the mass transportation system and it has all of the things that a major city requires.

1. The school pays a salary of NT 60,000 per month, tax-free.
2. NT 2,000 per month as attendance bonus, tax-free.
3. NT 3,000 per month as housing allowance, tax-free.
4. You will get a total of NT 65,000 per month, tax-free.
5. The school offers an airfare reimbursement up to NT 20,000.
6. The school provides free lunch.
7. 7~14 days of paid vacation.
8. ARC, work permit, health and accident insurance provided.
With all these benefits, what are you waiting for? APPLY NOW!!!

ESL teaching in Taipei, Taiwan with ocean in the front!!!
Do you want to teach ESL in Taipei with ocean in the front and mountains in the back? We need 3 certified teachers for an elementary school and 2 certified teachers for a middle school in Taipei, Taiwan.

Taipei is the capital of Taiwan, and the biggest city in Taiwan, too. Taipei is the most convenient city to live in because of the mass transportation system and it has all of the things that a major city requires.

1. The school pays a salary of NT 62,000 per month.
2. Free accommodations provided for single teachers.
3. 7~14 days of paid vacation.
4. ARC, work permit, health and accident insurance provided.
With all these benefits, what are you waiting for? APPLY NOW!!!

Teach ESL in Taiwan with mountains surrounded!!
Do you want to experience the beautiful scenery and the passion of the people in Taiwan? Come to teach herein Taiwan!!! We need an English teacher for a private school in Nan Tou County.

Nan Tou County is a county in middle Taiwan which was surrounded by lots of mountains and lakes. It is a very famous site-seeing county in Taiwan.

1. The school pays NT 62,500 per month, tax-free.
2. The school provides airfare reimbursement up to NT 20,000.
3. The school offers free-accommodation.
4. Health and accident insurance provided.
5. Work permit provided.
6. 7 days of paid vacations.
With all these benefits, what are you waiting for? APPLY NOW!!!

ESL teaching in girls high school in Taipei, Taiwan!!!
Do you want to teach ESL in Taipei in a catholic girls’ high school with lake in the front and mountains in the back? We need 2 certified teachers in Taipei, Taiwan.

Taipei is the capital of Taiwan, and the biggest city in Taiwan, too. Taipei is the most convenient city to live in because of the mass transportation system and it has all of the things that a major city requires.

1. The school pays a salary of NT 60,000 per month.
2. The school pays NT 5,000 as housing allowance.
3. The school pays NT 3,000 as performance bonus.
4. The school pays NT 2,000 as attendance bonus.
5. You will get a total of NT 70,000 per month (Before Tax).
6. 7~14 days of paid vacation.
7. ARC, work permit, health and accident insurance provided.
With all these benefits, what are you waiting for? APPLY NOW!!!

Catholic school with free housing in Tainan, Taiwan!!!
A private Catholic elementary school in Tainan is looking for 2 English teachers.

Tainan City, a combination of tradition and modern. Tainan is the city in south Taiwan which has warm, sunny weather. Over 70% of people in Tainan think that they are in the best city in Taiwan.

1. The school pays NT 60,000 per month as salary.
2. The school pays NT 2,000 per month as bonus.
3. Free accommodation provided.
4. A heavy end of contract bonus.
5. Health and accident insurance provided.
6. Work permit provided.
With all these benefits, what are you waiting for?? APPLY NOW!!!

Famous private school in Yun Lin, Taiwan!!!
Do you want to teach English in the most beautiful campus in Taiwan? A very famous private school in Taiwan, Yun Lin is looking for 3 teachers to teach ESL! Apply now!

Yun Lin is a county in middle Taiwan with warm, sunny weather and beautiful scenes.

1. The school pays a salary of NT 65,000 per month, tax-free.
2. The school pays a housing allowance of NT 2,000 per month.
3. You will get NT 67,000 per month, tax-free.
4. A performance bonus up to NT 3,000 every two month.
5. Health and accident insurance provided.
6. Work permit provided.
7. 14 days of paid vacation.
With all these benefits, what are you waiting for?? APPLY NOW!!!

Senior high school ESL position in Yi Lan, Taiwan!
Do you want to teach ESL in a nature environment with mountains surrounded and beaches beside the mountain? 1 certified teacher needed for a private high school in Yi Lan County.

Yi Lan County is a place in North Taiwan, a county blessed with natural beauty and a rich culture. It is home to a diverse population and a sound government concerned with maintaining the beauty of the county.

1. The school pays NT $ 70,000 per month.
2. School dorm room provided for single teachers.
3. Extra income of approximately NT $ 10,000 ~ 20,000 per month for extra G.E.P.T. classes in the evening.
4. ARC, health insurance provided.
With all this benefits, what are you waiting for? APPLY NOW!

ESL teaching in Tao Yuan English Village in Taiwan!
Do you want to teach ESL in the city next to Taipei, the capital of Taiwan? We need 10 teachers! APPLY NOW!

Tao Yuan is the city next to Taipei, the capital of Taiwan. It is only 30 minutes driving from Tao Yuan to Taipei. Because of the extremely high rental in Taipei, there are more and more people who live in Tao Yuan and commute to work in Taipei. The rental is not that expensive but you can still have the convenience of big city.

Places you will be teaching in:
You will be teaching in a program called “Tao Yuan English Village”, this program was planned by the city government of Tao Yuan. You will be teaching in one of the public schools in Tao Yuan city.

1. The school provides a salary of NT $ 60,890 per month.
2. The school provides an attendance bonus of NT $ 2,000 per month.
3. The school provides a housing allowance of NT $ 3,000 per month.
4. You will get a total of NT $ 65,890 per month, TAX FREE!
5. A heavy end-of-contract bonus!
6. ARC, work permit, health and accident insurance provided.
7. Three weeks of paid vacation!
With all these benefits, what are you waiting for? APPLY NOW!!!

Public school TAX-FREE jobs in Hsin Chu, Taiwan!!!
Do you want to teach ESL in the most advanced city in Taiwan? We have 2 vacancies available in a public secondary education school in Hsin Chu city, Taiwan!

Hsin Chu is a Hi-Technology city. It has the first established Science Park in Taiwan, where advanced industries are run and highly-educated graduates desire to work. It owns state-of-the-art technology in Taiwan and has raised a lot of large companies and millionaires.

1. The school offers NT$60,890 per month, TAX FREE!!!
2. Masters get NT 67,925 per month, PhD get NT 70,895.
3. Housing allowance NT$5,000 per month, TAX FREE!!!
4. End of contract bonus up to NT 60,890, TAX-FREE!!!
5. The school offers you airfare reimbursement up to NT 60,000!
6. 10~14 days of paid vacation.
7. Health and accident insurance provided.
With all these benefits, what are you waiting for? APPLY NOW!!!

Teach ESL in HIGH SCHOOL in Miao Li, Taiwan!
Do you want to experience native cultures of the most beautiful island in the world? We need 1 certified teacher for a private high School in Miao Li city.

Miao Li is a county between Taichung and Shin Chu. It is surrounded by lots of mountains, so most of the people in Taiwan called it “The Town of Mountains”. There are lots of native Taiwanese who live there, so the culture and foods there are all native Taiwanese style. If you want to experience REAL Taiwanese culture, don’t hesitate, visit us!

1. The school pays you NT$ 70,000 per month.
2. A heavy End-Of-Contract Bonus!
3. Health and accident insurance provided.
4. ARC, work permit, working visa provided.
5. Up to 20 days of paid vacation.
With all these benefits, what are you waiting for? APPLY NOW!!!

ESL teaching beside the ocean in Keelung, Taiwan!
Do you want to teach English and enjoy life next to the ocean? A famous private elementary school in Keelung needs 5 certified teachers.

Keelung is a famous harbor city in northern Taiwan with beautiful harbor view and fun places around, great for sight seeing and great food.

1. Monday to Friday teaching from 0930-1745.
2. Great wage of NTD $ 62000 per month.
3. Plenty of overtime hours available, can make more money.
4. Free accommodation.
5. Accident, health insurance provided.
6. ARC, work permit, working visa provided.
7. 10~14 days paid vacation in winter time.
With all these benefits, what are you waiting for?? APPLY NOW!!!

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