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Old Feb 9th, 2009, 07:14 am
eslHQ Member
Join Date: Apr 24th, 2008
Posts: 7
irene001 is on a distinguished road
Default Wanted Native N Kyopo teachera(Full time N Part time)

Hello~! This is irene from "Work In Korea Agency" in South Korea.
We have a lots of ESL positions for you.

Housing : Provided single room(Completely furnished) / Over time payment : 20,000won per an hour / Severance : Same as one month payment upon completion of 1yr contract / Paid vacation : 10days / Air ticket : Provided round way ticket / Medical insurance : Employer pays 50% / Visa sponsored : E2 visa / Contract : One year contract)

1. Position(948) : Wanted Native Teacher(Part Time)At Private School(not Institution)
-Time :M~F(9am~1:40pm) 17 hours a week
-Location : Subway line 7(Children's Grand Park St.)#726
-Targets : Conversation English / Starting date :March. 2009
-Salary :30.000 won per an hour / Level :Beginner
-Qualification :Bachelor's degree or Higher

2. Position(947) : Wanted Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours :M~F(1pm~8:30pm) 30 hours a week
*Location : Subway line 2(SinJeongNeGeori St.)#234-3-Seoul Area
*Payment:2.2 million won / Starting date: ASAP/*Students:Elementary+Middle

3. Position(949) : Wanted Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours :M~F(10am~6pm) 25 hours a week
*Location : Subway line 4(JeongWang St.)#455
*Payment:2.2 ~2.3 million won/ Starting date:March. 2009/*Students:Kinder +Elementary

4. Position(942) : Wanted Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F: 1pm~6pm(25hours a week)
*Housing Allowance Money:500.000 won per month(not provided housing only Allowance money)
*Location :Seoul ,Subway line 1 or 4 (Chang-dong st.)
*Payment:2.3 million won / Starting date: March.2009/*Students:Elementary

5. Position(938) : Wanted 15 Kyopo or Native teachers-only F4 or F2 visa Holder(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F: 1pm~8pm(30hours a week)
*Housing Allowance Money:300.000 ~400.000 won per month or Available to consider about providing housing instead if teacher wants
*Location :Seoul area and Keonggi Province area
*Payment : 2.5 million won / Starting date :ASAP / *Student :Elementary~Middle

6. Position(933) : Wanted Kyopo or Native teacher-(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F: 1:50pm~9:10pm
*Location : Subway line InCheon (GyullHyeon st.)# i 111
*Payment : 2.3 million won~2.4 million won
*Starting date :ASAP / Student :Elementary~Middle

7. Position(943) : Wanted Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F: 10:00am~5pm
*Location :JeCheon City, ChoongBuk Province
*Payment : 2.2 million won~2.4 million won
*Starting date :March .2 / Student : Kinder

8. Position(944) : Wanted Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F: 1pm~7pm(30 hours a week)
*Location :SoonCheon City, JeonNam Province
*Payment : 2.3million won~2.4 million won
*Starting date :ASAP / Student :Elementary / Housing :Two Rooms / Paid Vacation: 15 days

9. Position(945) : Wanted Native teacher(Full time)at English Town-available to contract for 6 months
*Working Hours : M~F: 8:30am~5:30pm(25 hours a week)
*Location :KeongSan City, KeongBuk Province
*Payment : 2.3million won / Over time payment :25.000~30.000 won per an hour
*Starting date :ASAP / Student :Elementary ~High School /*Housing :Two Rooms / Paid Vacation: 14 days

10. Position(946) : Wanted Native teacher(Full time)at Public High School
*Working Hours : M~F: 8:00am~5:00pm(24 hours a week)
*Location :JinJoo City, KeongNam Province
*Payment : 2.2million won +200.000 won(Bonus) per month/ Over time payment :20.000 won per an hour
*Starting date :March. 2009 / Student :High School /*Housing :One room / Paid Vacation: 20 days

11. Position(937) : Wanted Native teacher-Prefer female(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F: 1:30pm~8pm
*Location :GuRi City, Keonggi Province
*Payment : 2.2 million won~2.3 million won
*Starting date :ASAP / Student :Elementary~Middle

12. Position(935) : Wanted Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F: 4:00pm~11:00pm
*Location : Subway line 2 or 8(JamSil st.)# 216-Central of Seoul
*Payment : 2.25 million won~ / Starting date :March, 2009 / Student :Elementary~Middle

13. Position(932) : Wanted Native teacher-Preferred female(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F: 9:30am~6:30pm
*Location : Subway line 4 (BeomGye st.)#442
*Payment : 2.2 million won / Starting date :Feb. 27, 2009 / Student :Kindergarten~Elementary

14. Position(936) : Wanted Native teacher-prefer female(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F: 9:30am~2pm
*Location :GeoJe City, KeongNam Province
*Payment : 2.0 million won~2.3 million won( negotiable)
*Starting date :Feb. 25. 2009 / Student :Kindergarten

15. Position(930) : Wanted Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F: 10am~5:30pm
*Location : Subway line (BunDang line-BoJeong st. or JookJeon St.)
*Payment : 2.2 million won~2.3 million won( negotiable)
*Starting date :ASAP / Student :Kindergarten

16. Position(899) : Wanted Female Kyopo Teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M.W.F.(2pm~8:30pm)/T.Th.(2pm~7:30pm)
*Housing :None / Location : Subway line # BunDang(BoJeong St.)
*Payment : 2.4 million won / Starting date :ASAP / Student :Elementary School Students

17. Position(927) : Wanted Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F: 3pm~10:30pm
*Location : SuWon City, Keonggi Province
*Payment : 2.0 million won~2.5 million won(Depens on experience and qualification : negotiable)
*Starting date :ASAP / Student :Elementary to High school students

18. Position(939) : Wanted Native Speaker(F/T)At Institution
*Working Hours :M.~F.(2pm~8pm)
*Location : KangWon Province, KangReng / Payment : 2.2 million won~ per month
*Starting date : ASAP / Student :Elementary school students

19. Position(940) : Wanted Native or Kyopo Teacher(F/T)At Institution
*Working Hours :M.~F.(2pm~8pm)
*Location : KeongNam Province, YangSan City
*Payment : 2.2 million won~ per month
*Starting date : ASAP / Student :Elementary school students

20. Position(941) : Wanted Native Teacher(F/T)At Institution
*Working Hours :M.~F.(1pm~8pm)
*Location : KeongGi Province, KwangJu City
*Payment : 2.0 million won~ per month
*Starting date : ASAP / Student :Elementary + Middle school students

21. Position(922) : Wanted Native Speaker(F/T)At Institution
*Working Hours : 9:30am~5:55pm(M.W.F.)/9:30am~4:30pm(T.Th.)
*Location : Subway line 4(Hanyang Ansan St.) # 449
*Payment : 2.3~2.6 million won per month
*Starting date : ASAP / Student :Kindergarten Elementary school students

22. Position(904) : Wanted Native Speaker(Atfter School Program)
*Working Hours : 12:30pm~6:00pm
*Location : YongIn City, Suzi-gu(KeongGi-province)
*Payment : 2.2~2.3 million won per month
*Starting date : ASAP / Student : Elementary school students

23. Position(934) : Wanted Native Speaker(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : 10:30am~7:30pm
*Location : SeokCho City(KwangWon-province)
*Payment : 2.0~2.3 million won per month
*Starting date : March. 2009 /* Student : Kinder~Elementary school students

24. Position(915) : Wanted Native Speaker(F/T)at Institution
*Working Hours : 2:00pm~8:00pm
*Location : Subway line 1(AnYang St.)# P147
*Payment : 2.2~2.3 million won per month
*Starting date : April. 2009 /* Student : Elementary school students

25. position(907) : Wanted Native teacher-only Female(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F(9:00am~5:00pm)
*Location : Subway line 3(Apgujeong St.)# 336
*Payment : 2.3 million won
*Starting date :Early of January. 2009 / *Student : Kindergarten(3 ~5yrs old)

26. position(881) : Wanted 1 Native teacher-(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F(9:30am~6pm)
*Location : Subway line Bundang(Yatap St.)# K226
*Payment : 2.2 million won~2.3 million won(Depens on experience and qualification)
*Starting date :ASAP /* Student : Kindy and Elementary school students

27. position(882) : Wanted Native teacher-(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F(9:30am~7pm)
*Location : Subway line Bundang(Sunae St.)# K229
*Payment : 2.5 million won
*Starting date :ASAP /* Student : Kindy and Elementary school students

28. position(900) : Wanted Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F(9:30am~6pm)
*Location : Subway line Bundang(Migeum St.)# K231
*Payment : 2.2 million won~2.3 million won(Depens on experience and qualification)
*Starting date :ASAP / *Student : Kindy and Elementary school students

29. position(908) : Wanted Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F(4:00pm~10pm)
*Location : Subway line Bundang(JookJeong St.)# K233
*Payment : 2.1 million won~2.2 million won(Depens on experience and qualification)
*Starting date :Early of Jan. 2009 / *Student : Elementary school students +Middle School Students

30. Position(10) : Wanted 1 Kyopo Teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours:M~F(12:30pm~7:30pm)
*Location : Anseong City, Kyonggi province(it takes 50min by bus from Seoul)
*Payment : 2.5~2.6 million won per month
*Starting date :March. 2009 /* Student : Elementary school kids

31. Position(917) : Wanted 1 Kyopo Teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours:M~F(9:00am~6:00pm)
*Location : Suwon City, Kyonggi province
*Payment : 2.5 million won per month in Maxi.
*Starting date :Early of Jan. 2009 /* Student : Kinder +Elementary school kids

32. position(875) : Wanted Kyopo Teacher (Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F: 3pm~10:30pm or 5pm~10:30pm
*Housing :None / Location : Subway line 3(DaeChi St.)#345
*Payment : 2.2 million won~2.4 million won(Depens on experience and qualification : negotiable)
*Starting date : December. 1 / *Student :Elementary School and Middle School students

33. position(884) : Wanted Native teachers(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F(10am~5:20pm but be at Institution from 9:30am~6:30pm)
*Location : Subway line 7(Nowon St.) #713
*Payment : 2.2 million won
*Starting date :ASAP /* Student : Kindergarten N Elememtary School students

34. position(893) : Wanted Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F(9:30am~6m)
*Location : Subway line BunDang(Ori St.) #K 232-BunDang area
*Payment : 2.1 million won~2.2 million won
*Starting date :Jan. 2009 /* Student :Kindergarten+Elementary

35. position(894): Wanted 2 Native teachers(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F(9:30am~6pm)
*Housing : Accommodation and other facilities are provided
*Location : Subway line BunDang(MiGeum St.)K231-BunDang Area
*Payment : 2.2 million won~2.3 million won
*Starting date :Jan. 2009 /* Student :Elementary+Middle School Students

36. position(901): Wanted 2 Native teachers(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M.W.F.(1:40pm~9pm)T.Th.(3:30pm~10pm) Dinner Break for 1 hour
*Location : Subway line BunDang(MiGeum St.)K231-BunDang Area
*Payment : 2.2 million won~2.6 million won
*Starting date :Jan. 2009 / *Type of Cass:Limited 4 Students in the class
*Student :Elementary 1st grader ~Middle School 2nd grader

37. position(931): Wanted Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F(4pm~10pm)
*Location : KeongBuk Province, PoHang City
*Payment : 2.2 million won
*Starting date :Jan. 16 . 2009 /* Student :Middle School Students

38. position(923): Wanted Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F(2pm~8pm)
*Location : CheonAn City, ChoongNam Province(It takes 1hour 12min. by subway from Seoul)
*Payment : 2.5 million won /* Starting date :Jan. 5. 2009 /* Student :Elementary School Students

39. position(924): Wanted Native teacher(Full time)at Public School
*Working Hours : M~F(8:30am~4:30pm)
*Location : YoungDong, ChoongBuk Province(It takes 1hour by bus from DaeJeon City)
*Payment : 2.0 million won~2.3 million won
*Starting date :ASAP /* Paid Vacation : 1month
*Sick leave:3~4days /* Student :Elementary School Students

40. position(925): Wanted 6 Native teachers(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M.W.F.(9:30am~6:30pm)/T.Th.(9:30am~5:30pm)
*Location : Central of Seoul -Subway line 3 (Daechi St.) #345
*Payment : 2.3 million won~2.6 million won
*Starting date :Mid of Feb. 2009 or Early of March of 2009
*Student :Kindergarten +Elementary

41. position(927): Wanted Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F(1pm~9:30pm)
*Location : Central of Seoul -Subway line 2 (JamSil St.) #216
*Payment : 2.3 million won~
*Starting date :Mid of Feb. 2009 /* Student :Elementary School Students

42. position(912): Wanted 26 Native teachers(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M.W.F.(9:30am~6:30pm)/T.Th.(9:30am~5:30pm)
*Location : Seoul (6 Daech-dong, 3 MaPo , 2 BanPo ,1 SeongBuk) BunDang(4 Juk-Jeon) BuCheon(4 JoongDong)
InCheon(1 SongDo) Gyeonggi-Do(4 GuRi)
*Payment : 2.2 million won~2.5 million won
*Starting date :Mid of Feb. 2009 / *Student :Kindergarten +Elementary

43. position(921) : Wanted Native Teacher-only F2 visa Holder(P/T) at Kindergarten
*Working Hours : M.~F.(10:00am~3:00pm)
*Location : Subway line 5 or 6(GongDeok St.)529
*Payment : 27.000 won per an hour
*Starting date : March. 2009 /* Students : Kindy

44. position(920): Wanted Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M.~F.(9:00am~5:00pm)
*Location : Subway line BunDang(JeongJa St.)K230-BunDang Area
*Payment : 2.4 million won~2.5 million won
*Starting date :End of Feb. 2009 /* Student :Kindergarten

45. position(902): Wanted 3 Native teachers(Full time)Preferred Wife N Husband(with kids is O.K) -at Institution
*Working Hours : M.~F.(9:30am~6:20pm)
*Location : Subway line BunDang(BoJeong St.)K234-BunDang Area
*Payment : 2.2 million won~2.5 million won
*Starting date :End of Feb. 2009 / *Student :Kindergarten +Elementary

46. position(895): Wanted 3 Native teachers(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F(10:00am~7pm) 136 hours a month.(120 hours per month is basic Working Hours)
*Location : Subway line BunDang(BoJeong St.)# K234-BunDang Area
*Payment : 2.3 million won~2.4 million won
*Starting date :End of Feb. 2009 /* Student :Kindergarten +Elementary School Students

47. position(896): Wanted 1 Native teacher-who majored Education(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F(9:00am~7:30pm) 30 hours a week
*Location : Subway line BunDang(JeongJa St.)# K230-BunDang Area
*Payment : 2.7 million won~ / Starting date :End of Feb. 2009
*Student :Kindergarten(6yrs. old~) +Elementary School Students

48. position(909): Wanted 1 Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F(10:00am~6:30pm) 30 hours a week
*Location : Subway line BunDang(Ori St.)# K232-BunDang Area
*Payment : 2.1 million won~2.4 million won(Depens on experience and qualification : negotiable)
*Starting date :End of Feb. 2009 / *Student :Kindergarten+Elementary School Students

49. position(910): Wanted 1 Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F(9:30am~6:20pm) 30 hours a week
*Location : Subway line BunDang(Ori St.)# K232-BunDang Area
*Payment : 2.2 million won~2.4 million won(Depens on experience and qualification : negotiable)
*Starting date :End of Feb. 2009 /* Student :Kindergarten+Elementary School Students

50. position(903): Wanted 1 Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F(11:00am~4pm)
*Location : Subway line BunDang(JookJeon St.)# K233-BunDang Area
*Payment : 2.2 million won~
*Starting date :End of Feb. 2009 /* Student :Kindergarten

51. position(925): Wanted 1 Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F(10:30am~11:20pm but sometimes 1pm~1:40pm) N (2:20pm~7:10pm) 30hours a week
*Location : OSan City, GoeongGi-Do
*Payment : 2.4 million won / Starting date :Jan.19. 2009
*Student :Kindergarten(1hour a day)+Elementary School Students

52. position(913): Wanted 5 Native teachers(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M.W.F.(9:30am~6:30pm)/T.Th.(9:30am~5:30pm)
*Location : 1 Po-Hang City(GyeongSangBuk-Do), 3 Yu-Seong City(Dae-Jeon), 1 An-Dong City(GyeongSangBuk-Do)
*Payment : 2.2 million won~2.5 million won
*Starting date :ASAP /* Student :Kindergarten +Elementary

53. position(891) : Wanted 2 Native teachers(Full time)at Private School (not Institution)
*Working Hours : M~F(8:30am~4:20pm) / Housing :None
*Location : Subway line 3 or 5(Yaksu or Cheonggu St.)# 331 or # 537
*Payment : 2.849,300 won per month +Special Bonus for a Festive day kind of Korean Thanksgiving day N New Year's day
*Starting date :March,2009 /* Paid Vacation : 2 months
*Student : Elementary school students
*Pension provided /* Not Provided round trip air-ticket

54. position(883) : Wanted Native teachers(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M.W.F(9am~6pm)
*Location : Subway line Bundang(Ori St.) #K232
*Payment : 2.2 million won~2.5 million won(Depens on experience and qualification)
*Starting date :March, 2009(have to arrive End of Feb.)
*Student : Kindergarten N Elememtary School students

55. position(878) : Wanted 9 Native teachers-Preferred Experienced Teacher or Majored in Education(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M.W.F(9:30am~6:30pm)/T.Th.(9:30am~5:30pm)
*Location : Subway line 3(SinSa St.)#337
*Payment : 2.2 million won~2.5 million won(Depens on experience and qualification)
*Starting date :March, 2009(have to arrive End of Feb.)
*Student : Kindergarten N Elememtary School students

56. position(889) : Wanted 3 Native teachers-(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M.~F.(10am~6:10pm)
*Location : Subway line 5(DunChon-dong St.)# P549
*Payment : 2.3 million won~2.4 million won(Depens on experience and qualification)
*Starting date :March, 2009
*Student : Kindergarten N Elememtary School students (1st grader ~3rd grader)

57. position(879) : Wanted Native teacher-Preferred Male(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F(6:40am~8:40am, 12:05~1pm, 6:30pm~8:30pm) for Adult class/ 4:30pm~6pm for Junior class
*Location : Subway line 5(Yeouido St.)#526
*Payment : 2.2 million won~2.4 million won(Depens on experience and qualification)
*Starting date :ASAP /* Student : Adults and Junior

58. position(874) : Wanted Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F: From 6:30am ~(2 or 3 hours) N From 7pm~(2 or 3 hours)(30hours a week)
*Location : Subway line 8(Cheonho St.)# 811
*Payment : 2.1 million won~2.3 million won(Depens on experience and qualification )+when the Teacher keep 45 Students,the institution pays Incentive bonus extraly
*Starting date :ASAP /* Student : University students N Adults

59. position(876) : Wanted Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M.W.F.:6:50am~9:30am, 12pm~12:50pm, 6:30pm~9:40pm
T.Th. :6:50am~9:30am, 12pm~12:50pm
*Location : Subway line 1(Jonggak St.)# 131
*Payment : 2.2 million won~2.4 million won(Depens on experience and qualification )
*Starting date :Jan. 1.2009 /* Student : University students and Adults

60. position(870) : Wanted only Native teacher(Full time)at Institution
*Working Hours : M~F: 9:30am~6pm(28 hours a week)
*Location : Subway line 5(GeoYeo St.)# P 554
*Payment : 2.2 million won~2.4 million won(Depens on experience and qualification )
*Starting date ec. 1. 2008(1 teacher needed)/Middle of Jan. 2009(2 teachers needed)
*Student : Kindergarten and Elementary

If you're interested in those positions, plz. send your resume and recent photo to I can be reached at (02)421-1440 / 010-9026-9079 irene. It is a great opportunity to join us and we are looking forward to hearing from you soon

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