Public Elementary School in Suwon (starts from May 8th, 2010) Starting date: May 8th, 2010
School Location: Suwon, Gyeonggi (Yeongtong)
Housing type: single studio apartment
Teaching hours: 22 hours per week
Working hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30am - 4:30pm
Monthly Salary: 2.0~2.3 mil won (depending on qualification)
Paid vacation: 20 working days
Overtime: 20,000 won per hour
Etc: Medical insurance, National pension, Round trip tickets, Severance pay, Settlement allowance (300,000won)
About the city of Suwon 
Suwon, located in the South part of Gyeonggi-do, is one of the biggest cities near Seoul. It has lots of big shopping malls and some cutting-edge movie theatres like CGV. It also has a lot of universities and famous hospitals.
65 minutes to Gangnam station by subway line number 1
35-40 minutes to Gangnam station by bus
City Info:
Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education:
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Suwon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We have other openings (ASAP positions, private schools, public school positions etc.) So please contact us and find out more about teaching positions you are looking for. APPLY NOW
Jina Ahn
Job consultant
Worknplay Inc.
Tel: +82-2-568-7536
Fax: +82-2-568-7236
Ran Bldg.3F, #1621-18, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, South Korea, 137-878