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Unread Apr 19th, 2009, 07:38 pm
eslHQ Member
Join Date: Apr 19th, 2009
Posts: 7
lanahyang is on a distinguished road
Default Apply for Summer Camps in Daegu!

Apply for Summer Camps in Daegu!

**Daegu is the third biggest city in Korea. This city is famous for fashion, foods, 2011 IAAF World Championships in Athletics.
Daegu is good for travel to go coastal area and Korean old temples. Moreover, the countryside around Daegu is very beautiful.

I'd like to introduce our center, ICAS(Inndependent Center for America studies).

We have various classes and students who vary from kindergartens to adults.
We are running many programs like followings.
1. ICAS Camp : Summer and Winter English Camp
2. ICAS TESOL Center
3. ICAS ESL School
4. ICAS Business Class
5. International Exchange Center of ICAS
(Outside Class of ICAS -> companies, government offices, universities and kindergartens)

**Job Description

1. English Camp at ICAS

Employer: ICAS(Independent Center for American Studies)

Address: 24 F Yongnam Tower 111 Sincheon-dong, Dong-gu, Daegu, Korea 053)754-4044

Date : July 27th(Mon) ~ August. 21st (Fri)
Class Hour : 9:30 a.m. ~ 01:00 p.m. (Mon. ? Fri.)
2:00 p.m.- 05:30p.m.(Mon. ? Fri.)
Payment : 3.1~3.2 million KRW(including all costs and airfare)
A single room near the school will be provided.

2. 2009 English Camp in Yeung Nam University
Address: #712-749, 214-1 Dae-dong, Kyung San Si, Kyung San Buk Do 053)810-2114

Date: July 27th(Mon) ~ August 22nd(Sat.)
Class Hour: 9:20 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Mon. ? Sat.)
(You will have staff meeting before or after classes everyday.)

Housing : A single room near the university will be provided.

Payment : 3.2-3.4millionKRW (It includes all costs and airfare. You will be paid 3.2-3.4million KRW at the end of the camp. There will not be additional payments.).

3. 2009 English Camp in Kei-myung University

Date: July 22nd(Wed) ~ Aug. 18th(Tue)
Class Hour: 9:20 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Mon. ? Sat.)
(You will have staff meeting before or after classes everyday.)

Housing : A dormitory in the university will be provided.

Payment : 3.2-3.4millionKRW (It includes all costs and airfare. You will be paid 3.2-3.4million KRW at the end of the camp. There will not be additional payments.).
If you're interested, feel free to ask.

Please contact me with phone or email ASAP.
I'm sure it'll be a rewarding experience.

Requested documents:
1. Resume
2. recent photo

thank you,


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