ILA has branches throughout Vietnam, including the three largest cities; Ho Chi Minh city, Hanoi and Danang. Each city has it's own distinct feel and charm, while still maintaining all the western amenities westerners are used to. Transfer among centres is also available allowing the teacher to experience different cities throughout Vietnam.
Housing is provided by ILA for the first week upon arrival. After that most teachers live in a shared house with other teachers for about $200 USD a month.
The classes
Teachers can teach anywhere from 4 year olds to adult business classes, depending on experience. ILA has two departments, English for adults and English for Young Learners, a teacher usually teaches in one of the departments but can transfer if desired.
Salary: At least $1500 USD/ month, 15 - 24 hours a week.
Flight reimbursement: $750 relocation fee for teachers from overseas.
Paid holidays: 10 days paid holiday during National Holidays in Vietnam. Unpaid leave is also available.
To apply for this job you need to have at least a Bachelors degree and TESOL certificate.
Term of contract: One year or half year.
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