Forum: Teaching ESL
May 30th, 2016, 05:26 am
Replies: 6
Views: 3,201 Re: Teaching Disabled Teens
Thank you everyone, for the helpful tips. I'm glad I found this site. This will give me something to work with for next year.:)
Forum: Teaching ESL
May 21st, 2016, 07:38 am
Replies: 6
Views: 3,201 Re: Teaching Disabled Teens
Well, one boy is autistic, with a tendency to get angry if he makes too many mistakes. None have Downs' Syndrome. One girl has an English father, so understands a fair bit, but has real problems...
Forum: Teaching ESL
May 20th, 2016, 04:22 am
Replies: 6
Views: 3,201 Teaching Disabled Teens
I am new to this group. I am finishing up my second year teaching English on a volunteer basis to small (2-3) groups of developmentally disabled high schoolers at my kids' school. These...