General Guidelines |
eslHQ is a site for ESL teachers, students, schools and employers. Some members may be very experienced at using a bulletin board while for others it might be the first time. Please watch your P's and Q's when you write and use emotion icons if you think someone might take something you say offensively.
Why are there guidelines?
Guidelines are put into place to help us build a respectful and friendly community where members can feel comfortable posting their questions and comments. We ask that you follow these guidelines while participating on The community will thank you for it.
Guidelines - Respectful posting. This is the most important guideline. Through thoughtful posts we can turn our forum into a warm community. Please do not intentionally post disrespectful or "flaming" posts. There is a difference between disagreeing with someone and being disrespectful and it is not a fine line.
- This site is for teachers, students and employers. Please do not use eslHQ as a blacklist for schools or other ESL related programs. If you have a question about how to deal with problems at your school, ask here and we would be happy to give you advice. If you are having one of those day and need to vent your anger and bash on someone please find a different outlet.
- Please make sure your posts are of respectful and appropriate content. eslHQ is a place to discuss things related to teaching and studying ESL, traveling and working abroad and any other general topics other members might have in common. It is not a place to discuss topics related to sex or drugs or other topics that might be offensive to other members. While that list may be long, I trust you have the judgement to know what is appropriate and what is not. If you are not sure please use the contact us link that can be found at the bottom of every page.
- Please try to be culturally sensitive when posting. There are members from all over the world on the forum. There are also no age restrictions when registering. Therefore you never know who is going to be reading your posts. Please be respectful in regards to discussing places or people from those places. While one place may seem foreign and strange to you, others call it home.
If you have questions regarding the site's rules and guidelines, please use the "contact us" link which can be found at the bottom of every page. Continued abuse of the site's guidelines will result in your account being banned.
We are grateful to have you as part of the community. You are why the site exists. If you have any suggestions for these guidelines please contact us. Through your feedback we can make the site better for everyone.
Thanks and happy posting!
Eric |
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