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Jaine Jun 16th, 2008 08:10 pm

suitable plays for low intermediate/false beginner
I'm teaching at High School and a Middle School in Yeongsan, SK. I have been asked to help find a suitable play for the students at the Middle School who will take part in a concert later this year. It will be for the Grade 3 students and they range from beginner to low intermediate though most are probably false beginner.

Does anybody have any good suggestions that wont have any copyright issues?

Any tips greatly received.

Lynxy2 Jun 20th, 2008 01:11 am

Re: suitable plays for low intermediate/false beginner
One idea that I`ve found to work is to perform a folk tale or well known story from the country you`re in and make a basic English version. That way both the students and the audience understand the storyline and you don`t have to deal with the problem of introducing a completely new story to the students, they`ll probably already know the characters and events. Ask your colleagues if there are any traditional children`s stories or folk tales in their country which would be suitable and work from there!I think this also avoids the copyright situation.Good Luck!

Jaine Jun 22nd, 2008 11:39 pm

Re: suitable plays for low intermediate/false beginner
thanks Lynxy, I thought this too and suggested it to my co-teacher and she kind of went "children stories" in a less than impressed voice. Thing is they work so well in West, I wondered if maybe there was a cultural thing about those stories being 'kiddy'. I will bring it up again. Her English is not great so it could easily have been me not being careful enough with my suggestions.

EngliPatrick Jun 23rd, 2008 01:23 am

Re: suitable plays for low intermediate/false beginner
Here's some stories: Larry Ferlazzo, Teacher

Jaine Jun 23rd, 2008 02:15 am

Re: suitable plays for low intermediate/false beginner
thanks Larry - I'll bookmark that page!!

EngliPatrick Jun 23rd, 2008 02:55 am

Re: suitable plays for low intermediate/false beginner
I'm not Larry..but you are welcome.

tiger_claw2000 Jun 29th, 2008 06:56 pm

Re: suitable plays for low intermediate/false beginner
Why don't you try the Wizard of Oz.

Jaine Jun 29th, 2008 08:35 pm

Re: suitable plays for low intermediate/false beginner
sorry EngliPatrick - Larry was the name of the site and I should be more observant.

thanks for the suggestion tiger_claw, my co-teacher ran the idea of stories past the students and they want to do Peter Pan (in a ten minute skit - should be interesting)

tiger_claw2000 Jun 30th, 2008 06:43 pm

Re: suitable plays for low intermediate/false beginner
Peter Pan sounds like a good idea. I hope I was able to help you!

lauramacdo Jul 1st, 2008 12:51 am

Re: suitable plays for low intermediate/false beginner
I teach elementary students in Korea and when I was asked to do a play with them, I adapted the traditional fairy tale "Kongjui and Patjui". The story is very similar to Cinderella. The students were familiar with the story and they enjoyed it, but I'm not sure how sucessful it would be with Middle schoolers.
I think I might have the script saved somewhere if it is any use to you.

tiger_claw2000 Jul 1st, 2008 05:58 pm

Re: suitable plays for low intermediate/false beginner
I wrote a small play from the Wizard of Oz designed for an ESL English class. If anybody would like to trade scripts, that would be awesome. This would help for any future material I might need.

tiger_claw2000 Jul 1st, 2008 06:53 pm

Re: suitable plays for low intermediate/false beginner
I would be very interested if you can find the script! Thanks!

rabble Jul 22nd, 2008 01:51 am

Re: suitable plays for low intermediate/false beginner
I have done The Wizard of Oz a couple of times. I showed the students the movie and I did a simple script, with the songs. It didn't really work well, to be honest. The movie is too long and simplifying it didn't make sense.
God I hate it when the students do Shakespeare though and simplify the language.

I have to teach adults a performance tomorrow. Their English is very basic I have just taken over the class, the other teacher was fired.

I have decided on blind date. I have the props, blind fold with big red hearts attached the blindfold
I get the girl up first and then get 3 men to "volunteers".
I keep the questions simple and I have these big red hearts for the chosen one each time he has the preferred answer.
It works well and you can get the audience involved.

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