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  #1 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 20th, 2009, 08:21 pm
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Question What is best way to teach unborn child? in Womb

What is best way to teach unborn child? in Womb
  #2 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 23rd, 2009, 06:35 pm
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Default Re: What is best way to teach unborn child? in Womb

  #3 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 23rd, 2009, 07:50 pm
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Default Re: What is best way to teach unborn child? in Womb

Hello sobek, and thanks for your reply "What??"

I have an American English teacher, whom I believe is the best English teacher, and he is teaching unborn children, believe it or not, as he believes that unborn child can hear after certain time living in the womb, whatever is near his/her "room" in the womb, and can learn instinctively the language from his "world" into the time which, can come out and continue learning many languages.

Having said that, I still want to exchange some ideas about learning methods that can help to advance this type of teachings.!

Any feed back is much appreciated.

  #4 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 23rd, 2009, 08:13 pm
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Default Re: What is best way to teach unborn child? in Womb

From the formal education I received, I learned that the inside of the womb sounds a lot like a train going by (all the time.) They believe babies are shocked by the silence after birth. If your friend is getting paid for this, that's pretty amazing.

But I guess she/he can get away with it for quite a few years because it will take several years to prove it was a waste.

How much earlier can we push education on children? :
  #5 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 23rd, 2009, 10:06 pm
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Default Re: What is best way to teach unborn child? in Womb

oh...that's why, researchers are saying same as what I am saying, that when babies are born, they hear all equipment noises, and doctors and nurses and mothers giving birth screaming in pain! so the babies are born into a frightfully noisy room, environment...

Also Researchers are saying that inside womb, is what the babies hear from out side same as you and others outside, unless you were born near a railroad yard, and it is amazing how ignorant someone can be in his or her "formal" education... Capish?!
  #6 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 23rd, 2009, 11:12 pm
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Default Re: What is best way to teach unborn child? in Womb

Well, you can certainly dismiss my opinion, much as I dismissed your friend's.

But let's just list what your friend is saying and then please point me to the study that worked on this.
1. babies can perceive and are affect by external noise (serveral studies on this)
2. that (distinct) noise can have a genetic/physical level consequence giving a child highten ability to acquire a second language

Now, I only went to pharmacy school, but from what I see, you have a very very grand study on your hands there. It would take over a decade for data collection and rigorous constraints on your control group.

I assume the research you are refering to is self-serving assumptions and not scientific data.

We do know that those who learn a second language have a hightened ability to learn other languages, but that says nothing about simple exposure to a language. Additionally, we're talking about a learned ability that translates to continued success with that framework.

However, I've been wrong before and if you could just point me in the direction of the data or group that conducted the study, I'd love to read through it.
  #7 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 23rd, 2009, 11:42 pm
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Default Re: What is best way to teach unborn child? in Womb

Dear mesmark, You may Google it! it will be quite educational in English Relevant Art & Sciences.
You will love what you find and please let me know.
  #8 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 24th, 2009, 12:05 am
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Default Re: What is best way to teach unborn child? in Womb

Google what? 'In vitro language education' ?? 'Prenatal language acquisition'??

Again, can you point me to the research? What's the name of the study? The researcher(s)?

I don't believe there is any data to be found, so I feel like I'd be searching for a ghost.

Also, this says nothing about the character of your friend. I can accept that he truely believes in this, but that doesn't make it true.

We can just agree to disagree but if there actually is data, I'd love to know about it.
  #9 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 24th, 2009, 12:20 am
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Default Re: What is best way to teach unborn child? in Womb

I think the person is winding you up Mark.
  #10 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 24th, 2009, 12:53 am
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Default Re: What is best way to teach unborn child? in Womb

Google: "study shows unborn child can learn language in womb"

One of many research done on the subject:

University Of Florida Research Adds To Evidence That Unborn Children Hear 'Melody' Of Speech
  #11 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 24th, 2009, 01:12 am
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Default Re: What is best way to teach unborn child? in Womb

Quote sobek View Post
I think the person is winding you up Mark.
Well, it has definitely kept me coming back for the next installment.
  #12 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 24th, 2009, 01:20 am
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Default Re: What is best way to teach unborn child? in Womb

Welcome any time mesmark:

Here is some more:
Research|Penn State: Can babies learn in utero?
  #13 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 24th, 2009, 01:24 am
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Default Re: What is best way to teach unborn child? in Womb

Quote MyEnglishTeacher View Post
Google: "study shows unborn child can learn language in womb"

One of many research done on the subject:

University Of Florida Research Adds To Evidence That Unborn Children Hear 'Melody' Of Speech
This is a report on a study of intelligibility of sound

"They implanted an electronic "pickup" inside the inner ear of a fetal sheep, then played 64 recorded sentences on a loudspeaker in the open air near the mother sheep. The sounds the pickups detected were recorded and played back to 30 human adult listeners"

The coclusion of the study:
"The listeners understood all of the sentences recorded in the open air, ... and about 30 percent of the sentences recorded in the fetal sheep's inner ear."

Nothing about enhancement of language acquisition.

I wasn't arguing that sounds couldn't be heard. It's the second point that I'm really questioning here, that language, different from the child's mother, can be acquired/learned and/or have a lasting impact on an unborn child's ability to acquire a second language.
  #14 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 24th, 2009, 02:43 am
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Default Re: What is best way to teach unborn child? in Womb

I have never heard about children learning English from the womb. I have heard that some people put classical music on or soothing music on while pregnant and then after the baby is born they put the same music on. Something about creating a familiar and soothing environment for the baby. I have no concreate data on this. Just something I've heard of floating around here and there.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 24th, 2009, 02:56 am
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Default Re: What is best way to teach unborn child? in Womb

Quote MyEnglishTeacher View Post
Are you reading these articles?

"Parents who believe the womb is a child’s first classroom are the targets of prenatal learning products that play music and sound patterns to the fetus, promising to kindle cognitive development. Other parents expose their unborn children to classical music. Is there a scientific basis for this practice?"

Gilmore's answer
“It’s important to understand that, while in utero learning does indeed exist, the type of learning is quite simple,” he concludes. “There’s very little evidence of any specific thing a parent can do to affect a child’s intelligence or temperament before birth.”
  #16 (permalink)  
Unread Apr 1st, 2009, 03:58 am
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Default Re: What is best way to teach unborn child? in Womb

"You are never too young, nor too old to learn English"
  #17 (permalink)  
Unread Apr 1st, 2009, 07:13 am
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Default Re: What is best way to teach unborn child? in Womb

There are limitations though
  #18 (permalink)  
Unread Apr 1st, 2009, 09:48 am
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Default Re: What is best way to teach unborn child? in Womb

Quote MyEnglishTeacher View Post
"You are never too young, nor too old to learn English"
I think while seemingly unnoticed my last post sort of sums this up.

"Parents who believe the womb is a child’s first classroom are the targets of prenatal learning products ..."

Offering and teaching prenatal English classes is simply stealing from people who wish the best for their children. you are preying on a parents desire to do all they can for their child.

Sorry, to be so direct but you offer little evidence and actually offer evidence to the contrary. In my opinion, nobody should pay for such a 'course' and I don't think teachers should offer them (or they should at least be honest about the fact there is nothing that says it will make any difference.)
  #19 (permalink)  
Unread Apr 3rd, 2009, 01:33 am
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Default Re: What is best way to teach unborn child? in Womb

MessMark! First of all the teacher is not getting paid! Capish! it is an English Teaching Experiment! and the results are promising to say the least after 3 years! Believe it or not...

Your rush to judgment and the use of strong accusations when you are neither qualified, Nor Aware of the fact enough to talk.... as you do, it only shows that you are having some serious problems! of your own intellect!
  #20 (permalink)  
Unread Apr 3rd, 2009, 09:18 am
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Default Re: What is best way to teach unborn child? in Womb

Quote MyEnglishTeacher View Post
Your rush to judgment and the use of strong accusations when you are neither qualified, Nor Aware of the fact enough to talk.... as you do, it only shows that you are having some serious problems! of your own intellect!
Fair enough. For all you know, I may be stupid, but I don't believe I've left any questions unanswered, nor any of your attempts at a rebuttle unchallenged.

Basically, I feel you have made false claims that there are any benefits to invitro English lessons, if there even is such a thing. My reason for challenging such claims is simply that I don't want other readers to pop by here, read this, and believe such claims are indeed possible without actual evidence that there is said benefit.

So, if I haven't been clear about my questions, let me try again with a few new, clearly stated questions.

1. Where has this research to date been published? What journal? What have been the findings?

2. Who is funding the current research your friend has undertaken? What are the goals of the study? What are the controls?

3. If indeed your friend is conducting research and has had success over a three year period, why are you asking us for ideas on how to do this? Shouldn't you be referring to the professional journal that has published the results so far? or even your friend?

I'd appreciate some answers to the above questions before you insult my intelligence for the third time.

Last edited by mesmark : Apr 3rd, 2009 at 06:22 pm.
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