Nov 9th, 2015, 10:15 am
eslHQ Zealot | | Join Date: Jul 19th, 2006 Location: France
Posts: 86
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Re: need a lesson plan on constrast present simple and present continuous First explain that the present continuous is something which is happening NOW – it's real time only. There is also the future use of the present continuous “What are you doing on Monday?” but you might want to leave that for a different lesson.
Mime things so they understand the meaning such as "I am walking to the end of the class". "I am writing on the board".
Bring three students up to the front and tell them to mime an action that they know how to say in English. For example drinking, eating, running, walking, talking, etc. Give the students the action written on a piece of paper if they do not have enough ideas of their own - have those ready in advance.
Tell all three students to start miming their action at the same time - three different actions. Then you say one of them – “He is drinking” - and the class have to call out the name of the student who is drinking. Then say, “She is walking” – and the students name the one who is walking.
Play Relay Race: teaching present continuous to teens here!
Kind regards
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Last edited by Pix : Jul 3rd, 2022 at 08:15 am.
Reason: update to links