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williejean Oct 1st, 2006 07:13 pm

listening for key info
I have to teach a class to listen for key information:
e.g welcoming the students
giving them information
looking forward to
getting to know you
communicate well

the above examples are what I am to use for the lesson.

Students are high beginner. Does anyone have ideas on how i can do this.


Eric Oct 2nd, 2006 11:58 pm

Re: listening for key info
i don't exactly understand what you are expected to do but here is one idea.

have the students introduce themselves (or introduce a friend) to another person. the other person listens and writes down (or fills out a chart) with the information the person told them.

maybe they have to talk to 10 different people, listening for all that important information that they need to get.


Pix Oct 8th, 2006 06:34 pm

Re: listening for key info
I like using games, so maybe you could give them a short example of what you'll be doing, and then turn it into a game. Give them a short speech and then have them get into teams. Give each team a sheet of questions about what you talked to them about and have them answer them and then add in a competition factor such as the team that gets the most right gets a bonus.

Another idea would be to give the short lecture/speech and then give each team member a slip of paper with a sentence or phrase on it and they will need to determine, as a group, which ones were key points and which ones weren't key points. You can increase the difficulty as you go along.

susan53 Oct 25th, 2006 05:17 am

Re: listening for key info
You don't say what age they are, but presuming that they are teenage or older you could ask them to imagine that they're in Britain/the States or wherever for a language course. It's the first day and the teacher is giving them info. on the school and the course. Give them a short presentation where you tell them what room their class is in and what floor it's on, starting and finishing times of lessons, what time lunch is and what floor the canteen is on, what floor the Director's office is on if they have problems, which afternoon is free for sport and what sports they can do, what the evening social events are etc.
While they listen they fill a worksheet with the info. If it's dense, they'll probably have to listen more than once.
But you should be able to give all this info within the limits of the language they know at high beginner level.

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