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stanley Sep 18th, 2006 01:35 am

"Let's Go"
I have managed to persuade my school to buy some materials for my use in class and would like to try the Let's Go series, as it has been so often recommended on this site. As anyone who has read my other posts will know, I have a wide range of abilities within each class so I only want to use the course as a guide - I will use what is relevant and supplement it with my own ideas. I have had a look at some of the workbooks (I found them gathering dust in a cupboard but have not managed to see a teacher's book. I was wondering roughly how long each level is designed to last. I teach grades 3, 4 and 5 (8 - 11 yr olds). Could anyone who uses the course let me know how long they spend on one level (book). At first glance, the workbooks don't seem to have a huge amount in them. I have each class for only 40 minutes a week and I am only teaching speaking and listening. Also, where does the series stop - intermediate? upper-intermediate? In other words, would it even be suitable for my grade 5s, many of whom speak English very well.
Thanks in advance for any input.

mesmark Sep 18th, 2006 07:01 am

Re: "Let's Go"
Stanley - I have up to book 3 and it ends with irregular past tense. I believe the series goes up through book 6. If your students can carry on a short conversation then those books may be beneath them.

It generally takes me about a year and a half to get through one book but I use the book as secondary to everything else. I use the book for about 15 minutes in 2 classes a month. (For me the book is just a means to confirm the language in a written form.)

Let's Go jumps a bit from section to section. I don't think the book and workbook alone are enough. You'll probably need to make some eslHQ worksheets to go along with it ;)

Spectrum readers are very good. I use the Little Critter series (grade 1) with some 5th grade students. They like it. They also have a writing series to go along with it and I'm going to have my students do one of those books next. Grade 1 might be too remedial but grade 2 should be easy enough but still challenging in spots.

Eric Sep 18th, 2006 07:20 am

Re: "Let's Go"
hi stanley

i used to teach LG at my last school and i really liked it, especially for the ages you are teaching.

I will use what is relevant and supplement it with my own ideas.i think this is a good way to approach lg. it's not loaded with stuff so it allows you to review and cover material in your own way. but its organized well so the flow is really good. the progression of the series is what i liked most.

I have had a look at some of the workbooks but have not managed to see a teacher's book. the techer's book has a lot of ideas in it. if you are going to be using lg in a lot of your classes, its worth it to get the tb.

I was wondering roughly how long each level is designed to last. I teach grades 3, 4 and 5 (8 - 11 yr olds). Could anyone who uses the course let me know how long they spend on one level (book).i was teaching my kids (ages 7~12, 2-3 days/week, 1 or 1.5 hours) a book in about 8 months. this gave me plenty of time to cover what was in the book, review to make sure they knew it and do my own supplemental stuff as well.

At first glance, the workbooks don't seem to have a huge amount in them. I have each class for only 40 minutes a week and I am only teaching speaking and listening. you're right. the workbooks are a little weak. not too much to do and not that great for homework as most of it is really easy. if you're not doing any reading/writing you'll get throught the book a little faster, maybe 6 months. but hard to say since your classes are shorter than mine were and you only see them once a week.

Also, where does the series stop - intermediate? upper-intermediate? In other words, would it even be suitable for my grade 5s, many of whom speak English very well.the series stops at level 6. here's a little bit of what is covered in L6:
  • comparing tastes, aroma, sounds
  • making comparisons and stating preferences
  • giving and accepting compliments
  • asking about possession
  • making a trade
  • giving advice and suggestions
  • expressing conditional situations
  • expressing opinions

that is definitely not all but its definitely all i care to type out.

as for grade 5, i didn't like lg for students in their teens. the drawings don't capture the student's interest and it just wasnt fun enough. i really didnt like teaching lg5 or lg6 as usually those students were older and 'more mature' and too cool for lets go.

i think lg is great for kids 6-12. after that, try another series or a reader.

hope that helps and if you have any other questions regarding LG, let me know as i think i've taught every book.


stanley Sep 18th, 2006 08:57 am

Re: "Let's Go"
Wow! I didn't expect quite that much information! Thank you so much. That really helps. I think from what you both say, I may well use the series for my grades 3 and 4 but not 5 (10/11 yrs). I think my first step will be to get one or two teacher's books. Hopefully, that will help me decide which books would be appropriate for my students. Thanks again!

Eric Sep 18th, 2006 09:07 am

Re: "Let's Go"
no problem! i did forget to mention one thing. though they are expensive, LG has really nice flashcards, both large and small. the big ones are nice for presenting new vocab. the small ones are nice for playing games with. also, let's go sing & chant tapes have pretty catchy songs on them so if you are into using music in the class, you should check those out as well.

i've never used or seen the videos for LG. each book also comes with its own Test booklet (sold separately) which is really useful for level testing and quizzes/tests.

simplyesl Sep 18th, 2006 09:09 am

Re: "Let's Go"
We use books 3 - 6 at my school. Book three is covered in 22 1.5 hour lessons. Books 4-6 are covered in roughly 40 1.5 hour lessons. I use quite a lot of sup. material. I can hold short conversations with my students - I encourage them to use the language even if they don't know the exact language. I had a twelve year old in one of my classes, but that was pushing th age barrier, I would suggest speeding up the lessons.

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