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susan53 Nov 29th, 2007 02:14 pm

Learning technologies
I've spent three days this week at the IATEFL Learning Technologies conference and it was mindblowing. Lots of input on technologies I'm already using with students like blogs, and interactive whiteboards, but also lots of things that I'm not - like moodle, second life and wikis. Much too much to put in a single post, but if anyone's interested in something specific, leave a reply here or PM me and I'll pass on what I've learnt.

Eric Nov 29th, 2007 03:50 pm

Re: Learning technologies
That sounds super cool!

I do have a question. I'm an interested in picking up some software to learn French. Did you see any impressive, self-study software that had a good voice interaction module?

I did the demo at rosetta stone and it was very impressive though the voice recognition wasn't perfect.

Also, how are people using second life for teaching?

EngliPatrick Nov 29th, 2007 06:43 pm

Re: Learning technologies
Second life...that's brilliant!

With the help of your students (it would be English study because the program is all in English), you could create a virtual school and students could recreate themselves in the virual world. Japan is the perfect place to do this, considering the hype of animation!

You could even get another teacher to do the same and you could do a student exchange via VR.


HUE Dec 3rd, 2007 03:10 am

Re: Learning technologies

I'm interested in any information you have, if you wouldn't mind passing it on. Considering that e-learning is likely the next big boom, I'm curious to see what kind of progress has been made.

Sounds like you had a great time!


susan53 Dec 3rd, 2007 01:10 pm

Re: Learning technologies
Hi everyone,
:o I'm sorry - I started this thread and then dropped it. I've been hideously busy ... We have a holiday coming up at the end of the week and I'll get back to you then.

alistairw Dec 4th, 2007 04:16 pm

Re: Learning technologies
Hi, sounds fascinating and I feel I'm at the bottom of the well here cos I've got no idea what moodies might be. Here in my Spanish secondary school my fellow teachers don't even use websearches. I'd be very grateful for any info you have on new technologies.

clivehawkins Dec 5th, 2007 02:14 am

Re: Learning technologies
Yes Sue, after you've taken some time out to celebrate the 'Immacolata' please do give us more info.

If it's something that helps the student but saves us teachers time and effort then I'm in!

I too have just come back from a seminar in which there was also a part about online examining - very interesting stuff. I'll put it on another post.

kisito Dec 8th, 2007 02:23 am

Re: Learning technologies
Hey Susan,
Definitely interested in any thing that has to do with language technologies. I have had personal experience with how technology can make or mar a teacher's life. I am definitely interested because technology has always worked for me. I would be interested in more. I am sure other teachers would be interested. So any fresh input would be great. I think my ESL websites would use some new technology knowledge.

mesmark Dec 8th, 2007 08:15 pm

Re: Learning technologies
I'll add that I'd like to hear more. I think there is a lot that can be done with technology but I also feel that there are a lot of shiny bells and whistles that are attractive, yes, but don't promote learning.

There's a new fun element to some of the technology but technology is usually limited in what it can do.

kisito Dec 8th, 2007 08:52 pm

Re: Learning technologies
I definitely agree that technology, like any other language tool needs to be used correctly to make it effective. Even the best language tools in the hands of the wrong person is like a golden ring on the nose of a pig.

Eric18 Dec 16th, 2007 01:35 am

Re: Learning technologies
Perhaps you can give us a concise, bullet point breakdown. I'm fond of the traditional problem-solution format. What's the situation? What's the problem that this technology solves? How does it compare to other approaches? What's the best solution for our students - and ourselves?

By the way, USC held a teacher's workshop on using Second Life to teach undergraduates last spring. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend but there is considerable excitement about the educational possibilities for a surprisingly wide range of disciplines. Dec 25th, 2007 03:58 am

Re: Learning technologies
I also just can back from a seminar about technology in the classroom. I wrote a quick article about it that can be found --> here!

I posted a few videos about Interactive Whiteboards; what they are, using them in the classroom and the best one, making your own Interactive Whiteboard!

I would be interested in the information that you learned from the seminar. When you have time please send me a PM. :) Thanks!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

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