Oct 2nd, 2009, 04:14 am
eslHQ Zealot | | Join Date: Apr 5th, 2009
Posts: 96
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Re: Ideas for a mid-term Wow. First, let me say that sucks. I hate doing stuff like that. Grading is the thing I like least about the class. If they're adults, I'd say ask them what they think is fair. . . they might have ideas. Otherwise, my best bet would be to form them into 'teams' and have them debate something 'safe' (you know, where nobody is going to get really upset). My favorite topics are 'should MP3s be free' or 'Should the government give parents more money to have more kids. . .' And then you can say you're grading them on their performance in the debate, but you should know what kind of grade they deserve until now.
Anyway, those aren't very organized thoughts, but it about sums up how I'd consider going about it.
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