Sep 9th, 2013, 10:58 am
eslHQ Member | | Join Date: Dec 8th, 2011
Posts: 6
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Ideas on how to cut down on photocopies & use other resources I have some great books such as Primary Activity Box etc with some really great photocobiable activities and materials.We also use textbooks at the academy where I work but I like to supplement the book with activities from my books like Primary Activity Box etc as these activities are often more communicative and more fun.My problem is though that we donīt have access to a photocopier so I have to pay for the photocopies out of my own pocket (I do the photocopying at home to save me time)Maybe I should just give my boss a receipt for the paper and the ink?!!! Also my students just always disrepect the photocpoy and end up throwing it in the bin at the end of the class, which really annoys me! Iīd like to cut down on the amount of photocoping I do but Iīd also like to keep these fun,communication activities in my class. Any ideas as to how I can prevent this from happening? Or any ideas of more activities/resources I can use which donīt require photocopies and lots of time/prep? We do play games that often donīt need to much prep or photocopies. |