I`m in need of some help planning a lesson for my teaching practice. We teach a group of 25 kids aged 7. The problem is that we already tought them body parts (there were around 4 classes or even more on this topic) and the kids know them quite well. We`ve used many games and activities already and theres not much left for me to do. I`m expected to do an involving and varied lesson with a focus on production. I`m realy hopeless at planning lessons, especially revisions with such limited possibilities. I can`t do thing like simon says type games, drawings (monsters, missing parts etc.), no memory games, no pointing/ touching and typical flashcard activities. We can`t even use the written forms!

I would be extremally grateful if you could provide me with some creative games/activities or some tips on how to spice up some flashcard activities, drills or anything.
Ps. It`s urgent