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  #1 (permalink)  
Unread Oct 27th, 2013, 04:50 am
eslHQ Member
Join Date: Oct 25th, 2010
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sanjajerem is on a distinguished road
Default HELP PLS discipline 4-6 yos

Hi everybody,
I am rather new to teaching and I have a problem with discipline. I have 10 children from 4-6.5 and we speak the same mother tongue. First month was great. Their preschool teacher told me they really love English and they hug me when they see me etc.. Then I started having problems.Two boys can't stand still. Most of them touch what they are not supposed to touch. Then one boy is always complaining after the hello song that his tummy hurts and then just lies down then when it's convenient it stops hurting... last time several of them were having stomachaches when it was convenient for them. I have trouble explaining the game rules because some of them just don't listen.When we sit in the circle and I am showing a book or pictures some of them always come close to me after my futile repetitions to back up so that other children can see me too. We have a part when they fall asleep in one action song and when it's time to wake up there is always sb who refuse to do it with the hazard of sb being hurt,..I am afraid I'm going to lose the job because I have a real problem of teaching them anything! The last several classes were just me trying to run at least one part of the 45 min smoothly. I am trying to figure out what change after the first month that were great: there were less children-some of them being sick, another topic, and I don't know what else. I have classes at 15h 2 times a week and they have french classes for 1and a half hour every day in the morning, but this was also so the first month.At French classes they have 15 min break when they play freely, so two of the boys asked me why I don't allow them to play freely during my class.
I didn't have any penalties until now, but now I must think of sth and I am asking for some help and suggestions. HELP PLEASE! Thank you!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Unread Oct 27th, 2013, 12:06 pm
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Default Re: HELP PLS discipline 4-6 yos

Seems like your students are very active. Here you can find some ideas: Classroom management (discipline)

I don't know what else I can add. Perhaps talking with their main teacher? He/she should know how to discipline them since has more experience working with them.

Make sure you know all the school rules like what to do when a student is complaining or having a stomachache. What if they really have a stomachache? You could get into troubles if you don't know how to deal with that.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Unread Oct 27th, 2013, 12:12 pm
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Default Re: HELP PLS discipline 4-6 yos

Writing your instructions on the board instead of trying to speak aloud so they can hear you? Using images that illustrate your instructions?

You have to be very creative since your class is small (10 students only. I have a class with 56 10-11 years old students!) and school authorities are not usually keen on helping teachers in your case. They tend to believe you are in a privileged situation working with such small classes. It happens all the time.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Unread Oct 27th, 2013, 01:51 pm
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Default Re: HELP PLS discipline 4-6 yos

Thank you very much for your answer. Yeas they are very active. Their main teacher is also new, I talked a bit with her but she had just begun getting to know them. I've read the classroom management thread. I guess I have to start using trial and error system with the management tips. Thanks again.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Unread Oct 29th, 2013, 05:29 am
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Default Re: HELP PLS discipline 4-6 yos

Quote sanjajerem View Post
Hi everybody,
I am rather new to teaching and I have a problem with discipline.
Do no despair, Sanja. I'm sure the kids love you and you are trying your best. It's never too late to establish ground rules with your class. But to dictate to them what the rules are is like you imposing your thoughts on them. Try this activity with the children - have a class specially dedicated to something called "Ground Rules"

What you do is tell the class that they have to come up with rules for the classroom that everybody has to follow -including the teacher. Write down their suggestions on the board. (Make sure you come to the class prepared with rules you think you should follow and then subtly hint at these in case the kids themselves don't come up with it. For example say "What do you think about not making noise in the class?" etc.) And this is the masterpiece, ask them to suggest punishments. They will come up with things that would horrify them and so they will keep from doing things they're not meant to. Write down these rules in a giant sheet and pin it somewhere everyone can see. It has to be a permanent feature of your classroom. If children dwindle, you can always have a 5 minute refresher asking them if they remember what the ground rules are.

Keep the rules to 5 or 10 and have these as assessment criteria. Meaning you can create a sheet for each student with these ground rule items. For example, if paying attention in class is a rule, then under that child's name, under the paying attention column, put a smiley face or a star. These individual assessment sheets should be put on display somewhere where everyone can view it.

And since it is always important to balance punishment and reward, you could say something like how you will allow the top 3 students to play video games for an hour (educational video games, mind you, like School of Dragons ) . Or if technology is not a resource you have, think of something they will love.

Hope this helps!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Unread Oct 30th, 2013, 05:17 am
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sanjajerem is on a distinguished road
Default Re: HELP PLS discipline 4-6 yos

@ Mayawins, thank you very much for taking interest in this and for your suggestions. I've already started with rewards and penalties but I guess I'll try some of your suggestions.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Unread Oct 30th, 2013, 05:39 am
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Default Re: HELP PLS discipline 4-6 yos

Hope it's working for you.
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