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clivehawkins Jun 8th, 2008 05:16 am

celta interview
Hi everyone,
This post is on behalf of a friend who is having trouble with the internet, hence the reason I'm doing it.

She's about to have a Celta interview by phone and would like to know if anyone has ever done this and if they can give some advice \ indicate the type of questions they ask etc. She's a non-native speaker of post-proficiency level with teaching experience already.

Thanks guys

Niamaat Jun 11th, 2008 04:32 pm

Re: celta interview
Know her application very well and be very clear on her reasons for answering as she did on her app.

The interview consists of a review of your application by the interviewer.
The interviewer asking questions to clarify, expound upon or correct what the interviewee wrote on her application and/or written tasks.
There may be additional detailed information offered by the interviewer to the interviewee regarding the program.

I had a telephone interview in late 2007 (maybe November). I had an in-person interview in April 2008.

At the moment I am busy: (1) reading one of the recommended texts, (How to Teach English), (2) listening to TESL/esl podcasts, (3) reading blogs, and (4) collecting and organizing resources so they'll be handy for me during and after my CELTA course in July 2008.

Of course I'm also getting real familiar with Moodle and writing lesson plans and syllabi and stuff.

Best wishes to your friend on her interview.

Another tip: If the interview is indeed by telephone (landline preferred) make sure that she is located alone in a very quiet place with no distractions.

Can you imagine my panic and dismay using skype in the lobby of the main San Francisco public library which quickly became a construction site sounding board.

Worse than that...

Beatrix Jun 25th, 2008 06:24 pm

Re: celta interview

Quote Niamaat (Post 15971)

I had a telephone interview in late 2007 (maybe November). I had an in-person interview in April 2008.

during and after my CELTA course in July 2008.


Excuse me, but does it always take so long to apply and eventually take the course? It can't be done in a shorter period of time?

clivehawkins Jun 26th, 2008 01:58 am

Re: celta interview
Thanks for the replies. The interview went very well and she'll be starting the course in London in July.

paimana Nov 13th, 2008 10:44 am

Re: celta interview
hi everyone
I had a CELTA interview today, it was a mess. First I had to take a long my baby with me she is 7 months, they kindly allowed me to have her with me as i had nobody look after her. Second, three other candidates were native speakers so obviously they were better then me. Finally, my baby fell on the side and started horrible cry, so i have the last part of interview to complete tomorrow. I am so worried am sure i won't be accepted.

son of coco Nov 14th, 2008 03:01 am

Re: celta interview
Don't panic would be my biggest tip. They're just trying to find out if you'd be capable of doing the course. They don't expect you to be perfect with your grammar etc as a lot of teachers aren't. Make sure you know the stuff you wrote on your application, but relax and just answer the questions as they come.

The course isn't that difficult, with the hardest part being getting used to the teaching in my opinion. The assignments are ok and if you give yourself a little time to adjust to the teaching weeks 3 and 4 get a lot easier.

clivehawkins Nov 14th, 2008 04:28 am

Re: celta interview

Quote son of coco (Post 18600)
Don't panic would be my biggest tip. They're just trying to find out if you'd be capable of doing the course. They don't expect you to be perfect with your grammar etc as a lot of teachers aren't. Make sure you know the stuff you wrote on your application, but relax and just answer the questions as they come.

The course isn't that difficult, with the hardest part being getting used to the teaching in my opinion. The assignments are ok and if you give yourself a little time to adjust to the teaching weeks 3 and 4 get a lot easier.

I couldn't agree more.

By the way, my friend passed the course with a grade B and had an exhausting but thoroughly rewarding experience. She's now teaching some courses for me in high school and doing very well.

paimana Nov 14th, 2008 11:48 am

Re: celta interview
Thanks for ur replies
I had the last part of interview completed today.
still i am sure I won't be accepted they going to inform me about the result in coming week I will definitely let all of u know about it.
If i am not through that would mean i shall wait 1 year to try it over again
GOD HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ahmedxzxz Nov 15th, 2008 05:18 am

Re: celta interview
i wanna take celta ,too.i really got simple idea of the interview.and i hope to know paimana will have?...

paimana Nov 18th, 2008 02:59 pm

cellta interview
hey hi to everyone of u
Can't believe it though i was sure i messed up with interview............................ But i have passed it ....... i have been offered a place
wish all of u lots of luck

Eric Nov 19th, 2008 11:37 am

Re: celta interview
Congrats paimana! :)

clivehawkins Nov 19th, 2008 02:50 pm

Re: celta interview
Well done. You'll look back on it as a wonderful experience.
Keep us informed!

Beatrix Nov 20th, 2008 08:39 am

Re: celta interview

Quote clivehawkins (Post 18728)
Well done. You'll look back on it as a wonderful experience.

I couldn't agree more with this one. :) the CELTA course is both an exhausting and enjoyable experience.

It might not be very helpful if you are already an experienced teacher, but for those who haven't done any teaching before it really is a precious and encouraging experience!

paimana Nov 20th, 2008 09:42 am

Re: celta interview
hi to all of u
i received my CELTA pack today, at a first glance the materials and tasks looks fun to me cuz i have always enjoyed working on languages, teaching etc..

But the only problem i have got is i have a very little confidence, you know english is not my first language and i always feel a bit uncomfortable when it comes to speaking.

Am a little concerned about this issue, but overall am happy...

son of coco Nov 21st, 2008 03:08 am

Re: celta interview

Quote paimana (Post 18748)
hi to all of u
i received my CELTA pack today, at a first glance the materials and tasks looks fun to me cuz i have always enjoyed working on languages, teaching etc..

But the only problem i have got is i have a very little confidence, you know english is not my first language and i always feel a bit uncomfortable when it comes to speaking.

Am a little concerned about this issue, but overall am happy...

I wouldn't be too concerned, there's a very good chance your grammar skills will be much better than most people on the course if they are native speakers. We had a Hungarian girl on our course (I did it in Budapest) and she was excellent with her grammar and did well with the vocab etc etc. She passed quite easily. They'll ease you into things in a way too, you have to teach from day 2 (or 3) but you get a lot of help for the first 2 weeks, it's really only the last couple of lessons where you're completely on your own as far as organising everything goes. They wean you off...:becky:

I hated getting up and talking infront of classes at uni, so that part was the worst for me...but just take it as it comes and you'll be fine.

guled Aug 30th, 2011 07:03 pm

Re: celta interview
hi everyone
am quite new to this site, will have an interview soon.
can anyone tell me what the interview is all about

kind regards


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