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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11th, 2006, 06:50 am
eslHQ Member
Join Date: Oct 11th, 2006
Location: Dalian, China
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janette_in_china is on a distinguished road
Question any suggestions?

Here's the story: I've just started an ESL position in China (ages 2-6) and have been given almost no direction or materials.... Seeing as I have never taught this age group before, I'm not sure where to begin. So far I've tried songs and dances (ie hokey pokey, if you're happy and you know it), fingerplays and flashcards, but I don't feel like I'm being effective. I'm having a very hard time with discipline, even with a chinese teacher in the room. How can I get the kids more involved and speaking??? any suggestions? I need help!
thanks in advance,
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11th, 2006, 08:00 am
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Default Re: any suggestions?

Hi there,

Funnily enough I had the same problem as you (see post "Teaching 3-6 year olds - help me!"
Read the advice I was given by the members of this forum - it was really useful.

After a few weeks of teaching this new class I have realised that I'm not going to get them speaking much at all. I've decided to focus on comprehension at this stage and will look to get them to reproduce some language further down the line.

I'm doing colours, animals, numbers, food, the weather.
They love listening to stories and looking at the pictures.
They adore singing. In fact, it's the only thing they reproduce,. Funnily enough If you're happy and you know it . . is their favourite. It's a nice one for teaching basic commands.

We also play Simon Says for the same reason.

Anyway, check out the posts on the forum I mentioned before.
Good luck!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11th, 2006, 07:56 pm
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Default Re: any suggestions?

I see that you have some discipline problems...

I know that you are new to teaching and that they are young but you need to be a little strict especially when you have just started teaching. If your co-worker says that they will deal with it then you have to worry about it more (if they are an easy going teacher to the kids)! You can't let the kids misbehave in class. Sure some students won't like it but after a few times of this then they will start to get the picture and focus more.

I use a system of points but you can get some stickers too. Students get points for giving me answers, for singing loudly, for winning a game and most importantly showing a good attitude. After gettting 10 points, they get a sticker/point and after so many points then they can get some prize (small toy or candy etc). This is a great motivational factor which should help your class. Kids need motivation more than university or adult students because they clearly know why they are studying English. Elementary kids don't have an idea so some form of sticker/points system will get their attention.

Best of luck!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11th, 2006, 10:01 pm
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Location: Dalian, China
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janette_in_china is on a distinguished road
Default Re: any suggestions?

thanks for the suggestions, they're greatly appreciated.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Oct 12th, 2006, 01:48 am
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Default Re: any suggestions?

As I was reading I was thinking 'this sounds familiar...'

Quote clivehawkins
Funnily enough I had the same problem as you (see post "Teaching 3-6 year olds - help me!"
Read the advice I was given by the members of this forum - it was really useful.
Teaching 3-6 year olds - Help me!

That's the link for the thread Clive was referring to.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Oct 16th, 2006, 09:43 pm
eslHQ Addict
Join Date: Jun 12th, 2006
Location: Maple Ridge B.C. Canada
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musica is on a distinguished road
Default Re: any suggestions?

Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes is also another favourite with this age.
Finger rhymes involving numbers, such as Five Little Ducks are good for introducing and practicing numbers, and also repeated phrases such as , Come back, etc. Also there is expression and fun.
Tommy Thumb repeats, ' where
are you? and "here I am"

High Up In An Apple Tree is an action song that teaches
names for fruit in a fun way.
You can find all these rhymes and others on Pams ESL Classroom.

I just added some song packages that enable you to download the mp3 as well as the lesson plan, flashcards and worksheets in pdf format. I am putting more up all the time and hope these help you.
Also there are free downloads and lots of lyrics for songs suitable for the primary kids you have.

Good luck
__________________ FREE 17 song CD. Buy Pams CDs. ESL rhymes, action songs and singing games. Engage your younger students.
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