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Poll: Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package in Asia?
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Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package in Asia?

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  #21 (permalink)  
Unread Aug 14th, 2008, 01:34 am
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Default Re: Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package?Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul,

I am a freelance teacher in China, paid by the hour, so it varies. My salary averages around $US2500 a month.
This week I earnt $US1000 for 30 hours. Next week I am not sure.

This is not the norm in China. This has allowed me to buy an apartment, have a live in housekeeper and live a lifestyle that I could never have back home.
I don't take it for granted, I do work hard.
I ususally save about $us1500 a month

I have heard Shanghai offers good salaries to the qualified,experienced and personable.

Interntional schools offer good packages but you certainly work for them.

I am quite happy in my little "backwater".
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  #22 (permalink)  
Unread Aug 14th, 2008, 09:43 am
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Default Re: Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package?Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul,

I hear Dubai is hte best place to be now.
I am still trying to verify the details though.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Unread Aug 27th, 2008, 12:00 am
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Default Re: Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package?Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul,

Best Pay in Saudi Arabia, but beware, there are some serious
psychological dynamics working on women in The Kingdom.
Years of repression have made them very narrowly focused, they are spoiled and quick to tell stories, some are very immature, others flabberghasted at the freedom you have to travel. It is almost incomprehensible to many of the adult students a woman would go someplace alone, if they aren't condeming you with suspicions they are very very sweet and helpful. The pendulum swings both ways. Educated men are gentlemen but have a strange mentality. This is the country where owning pet dogs might soon be prohibited because sometimes men walking their dogs are forced to encounter women walking their dogs and the two speak to each other.
It is not for everyone.

Korean pay isn't always what they promise you on line.

Japanese pay scale meets middle class standards.

Italy is low but worth loosing money.

France pays the best.
Mexico is the lowest, but so is the cost of living. If you want to dive and have enough for rent and food GO FOR IT !
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  #24 (permalink)  
Unread Aug 27th, 2008, 10:14 am
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Default Re: Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package?Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul,

Wow! I won't mind the social inconveniences at all if I had the chance to teach in Saudi Arabia.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Unread Aug 28th, 2008, 02:11 am
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Default Re: Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package?Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul,

Yeh but Dennis you are a man. As a woman I couldn't stand it. I hate that stuff that Kan-To outlined. Like your posts though.

They are thinking of outlawing dogs, well dogs really can be a bit of a social networking thing. I met my daughter in law through our respective dogs and introduced her to my son. Maybe the Saudis are onto something.

When I was a very young woman and travelling in the North of India and dressing very modestly. I had to put up with a lot crap from the men. I hated it but in the South no problem.
Now in my class of young beautiful Chinese ladies dressing how they want, no harrassment form their fellow male students, only admiration...... Well Denis you know how it is.
Would love to teach in Italy for a Summer on a vineyard for nothing.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Unread Aug 28th, 2008, 02:37 pm
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Default Re: Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package?Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul,

Hi Denis
it is a lot easier for men in most non western countries
I have been to many Moslem countries and many non Moslem countries. My husband and I were in West Africa , I wore European dress, the dress was mid calf and a short sleeve matching blouse, very conservative Ship and Shore brand. We were mobbed by men at a market who wanted to touch me. place just outside the main, cosmopolitan downtown where all of the women African and European we encountered were similarly attired in clothes which resembled my own.

Also in the Arab world you can end up being treated with contempt very disrespectfully.

The money is good. The people are primarily very very nice, just if you are in a bad situation it can be very bad. A friend of mine was a Filipina teacher at a private compound where she was nit picked to death and was frequently awakened by the employers wife ( a woman who ordinarily slept untili 2 p.m. every day ) in the middle of the night for conversation classes.
She once mentioned she had a favorite tv show it was on Saudi tv at a certain time she ordinarily had nothing on her schedule, they immediately changed her schedule because they did not approve of her watching tv. She said she was more of a family slave than a staff member.They told her if she wanted to go someplace on her day off - a mall or wherever- they would have a driver take her, but often the driver would not be available so she had to stay where the family was or go with them. She stuck it out and opened a business. The woman later wrote to ask her if she could send her daughter on a vacation to visit her with some family and if she would keep her daughter so the daughter wouldn't have to live as she did. She said she awakened her at night because she feared her husband was too attracted to her and that tby being together nothing would happen.

Other people I know have had wonderful experiences, they work in schools, make friends and meet their students families. That is the best way to go.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Unread Aug 28th, 2008, 02:47 pm
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Default Re: Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package?Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul,

Quote Denis DNT View Post
Yeah, I heard of Taiwan before but recently, I have heard a lot of friends saying Shanghai is coming up strong with salaries. I am considering moving there.
Shanghai is great, you are right on. I would like to go there next year. You have to negotiate a little more. Some schools in China began by offering me 6,000 (ridiculous) Shanghai is around 17,000. Shanghai is a lot of fun! My best friend is from Shanghai

What we need is a list of shipping costs, air freight and sea for the acquisitions abroad. I am buying a good Persian carpet, but I would like to know before I go what the air freight charges might be. It would be great if employers offered shipping as part of the employment package. I like to buy art, it's cumbersome but doesn't weigh much.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Unread Aug 28th, 2008, 02:53 pm
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Default Re: Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package?Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul,

Hi I have been invited to work in Shanghai in 09. I think you have a better deal than anything I have ever heard of, do you have a Business License or work at a school. I think it would be difficult to negotiate the red tape without support of established friendships and freelance is a little risky for me. In some countries if you work for a school and go off the books you can be breaking the law, they want to tax income generated in their country.

I make 46,000 per year in the USA and will take a pay cut to work on my foreign language skills. My tuition will be $4,000 per semester, If I test out of my languages I can reduce my
tuition,become eligible for a scholarship and have a lot of fun in the meantime.
Rent in my town is 1,600 per month, housekeeping assistance is $200 for one day ( vacume, clean frig, tub, do laundry, ironing included or windows) I honestly don't need a housekeeper.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Unread Aug 28th, 2008, 09:41 pm
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Default Re: Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package?Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul,


I have a working visa and work for the company that issued it. I also take on other jobs and the company is aware of that and it is not a problem as they can't give me enough hours.

I will take on an extra 12 classes next month, I know I may be overdoing it but I have financial goals that I want to achieve.

I think with your qualifications and experience you should be able to secure a position at a lot more than I make and with less hours.

I didn't quite understand. Are you taking a sabbatical and honing your language skills at home or in China?

Whichever, sounds like a good plan.

Our housekeeper has gone back to her hometown and we have a cleaner come in 3 times a week. I really don't like having a housekeeper (too intrusive).
The 3 times a week arrangment suits me better.

I can get into the kitchen now and I like cleaning the fridge myself, I can throw out stuff that has gone off, although with some Chinese ingredients and condiments it's a bit hit and miss.
My greatest luxury is haing my laundry done professionally at the laundry across the road. I detest ironing.

Good luck with your plans.

Dennis is right I wouldn't take any less in Shanghai, lots to do and spend there
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  #30 (permalink)  
Unread Oct 2nd, 2008, 11:59 am
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Default Re: Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package?Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul,

This month makes me one year in Shanghai. Yes the pay is great and better than the pay in Beijing where I put in three years. But don't rush to Shanghai, the money goes the way it comes. SHANGHAI SUCKS ONE DRY! I am moving out although people say 2010 will be very fruitful - The World Expo.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Unread Oct 2nd, 2008, 09:12 pm
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Default Re: Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package?Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul,

Quote Denis DNT View Post
the money goes the way it comes. SHANGHAI SUCKS ONE DRY!
Where did all your money go? Why weren't you able to save alittle/some/a lot of money?
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  #32 (permalink)  
Unread Jul 22nd, 2009, 10:13 am
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Default Re: Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package?Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul,

Well I am working here in Taiwan.. it isn't easy to put a $1000 away but you can do it.. But Times are getting hard. Not even easy to get a job anymore. But it is a great place to work wonderful people...
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  #33 (permalink)  
Unread Jul 22nd, 2009, 08:19 pm
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Default Re: Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package?Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul,

I am still hanging on in Shanghai.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Unread Jul 21st, 2011, 06:58 am
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Default Re: Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package?Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul,

Quote Eric18 View Post
Thanks. Does anybody know about the pay in Spain, Greece, or Italy? They would all be wonderful places to work too. Or does the EU require EU status?
European schools generally require EU status and can be problematic for non EU citizens, requiring school sponsorship etc. But the wages are generally quite good depending on the country and city. In Spain at the moment the pay is averaging around €1,400 but in a city like Madrid that wont get you very far. If you're thinking Spain I'd say do a small city and save.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Unread Nov 14th, 2011, 12:24 am
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Default Re: Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package?Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul,

Yeah a lot of people are saying Japan is no longer as good a destination as it used to be as far as ESL teaching is concerend.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Unread Nov 21st, 2011, 05:57 am
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Default Re: Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package?Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul,

Quote Denis DNT View Post
Yeah a lot of people are saying Japan is no longer as good a destination as it used to be as far as ESL teaching is concerend.
Japan is still a good place to work, you just have to be willing to work outside of Tokyo (in my opinion, the city is overrated anyway). I work in Kyoto at $25/hr in a full-time position, but there are companies that pay upwards of $30/hr. And private student fees can be as much as $50/hr and people will still pay it (as long as you're a good teacher).

Tokyo still has the same need as everywhere else, but since every foreigner seems to pick Tokyo, there are more foreigners than jobs in that area. The country needs teachers elsewhere though. This year in April, English became compulsory education in elementary schools.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Unread Dec 18th, 2011, 11:30 pm
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Default Re: Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package?Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul,

Hello all,

If salary is of higher priority, and you're looking at Seoul, I would recommend getting a job in a town just outside of the city. The positions are less competitive, the pay is decent, and the cost of living is lower. Right now, I'm able to save more than $1000 a month without much trouble at all. I also go to Seoul pretty much every weekend - it's just under an hour by bus for me, and it costs less than $2 for the trip.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Unread Sep 23rd, 2012, 06:49 pm
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Default Re: Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package?Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul,

Quote Balio View Post
Hello all,

If salary is of higher priority, and you're looking at Seoul, I would recommend getting a job in a town just outside of the city. The positions are less competitive, the pay is decent, and the cost of living is lower. Right now, I'm able to save more than $1000 a month without much trouble at all. I also go to Seoul pretty much every weekend - it's just under an hour by bus for me, and it costs less than $2 for the trip.
You make me wink at Seoul The neighboring towns I mean. Saving $1000 a month sounds pretty good.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Unread Sep 23rd, 2012, 06:52 pm
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Default Re: Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package?Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul,

I just checked the poll on this post and no wonder Seoul is leading.
Or do we just have many voters from Seoul?
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