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  #1 (permalink)  
Unread Jan 17th, 2005, 03:22 am
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Exclamation Getting To Know You

These questions are for the sole purpose of getting to know the members at Answers will never be held against you

1. If you could teach ESL anywhere in the world, where would it be?

2. What's your favorite drink between classes?

3. Funniest/Worst ESL classroom moment?

4. How do you usually spend your day(s) off?

5. If Hollywood were making a movie about you, who would play you?

Have fun!
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Last edited by Eric : Jan 17th, 2005 at 03:34 am.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Unread Jan 17th, 2005, 03:31 am
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1. If you could teach ESL anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I would teach rock climbing belay commands in Krabi, Thailand. I feel everyone should have solid, well pronounced commands!

2. What's you favorite drink between classes?
It depends on how many cups of coffee I've had so far. If I am having difficulty holding my books and board markers, I hit the water. Otherwise, brew another pot.

3. Funniest/Worst ESL classroom moment?
Once I taught my whole class the incorrect way to spell twentieth, thirtieth, fo... uh-oh, get the dictionary.
It's too embarrassing to tell exactly what I "taught" them.

4. How do you usually spend your day(s) off?
Looking at this screen or looking at rock.

5. If Hollywood were making a movie about you, who would play you?
Andre 3000 (though HE might object...)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Unread Jan 17th, 2005, 08:12 am
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Default Gettin to Know Me

1. If you could teach ESL anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Finland. I have this idea that it is full of pristine birch forests and cold, dark blue lakes. Probably enough people to warrant an English teacher, right?

2. What's your favorite drink between classes?
Chai tea from my new thermos, but I wish I could spike it with Frangelico.

3. Funniest/Worst ESL classroom moment?
As I left a low-level class the other day, a small, cute 10 year old boy who usually has difficulty making sentences waved and said in his angelic voice "Bye Teacher, GO TO HELL". Highlight of my day.

4. How do you usually spend your day(s) off?
Lazily hopping from one unfinished project to another til I realize night has fallen and I haven't been outside yet.

5. If Hollywood were making a movie about you, who would play you?
Lisa Kudrow? No, probably Dianne Wiest.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Unread Jan 27th, 2005, 05:53 pm
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1. If you could teach ESL anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Prague - beautiful city and I could bum around Europe on the weekends.
2. What's your favorite drink between classes?
Java Chip Frapaccino no whip twice blended - and tons of water before & after
3. Funniest/Worst ESL classroom moment?
Yesterday my am class had a reading on Buckingam Palace and Queen Elizabeth. In the midst of pre-reading discussion I asked my students where Buckingham Palace was located. One of my brightest students looked at me and with the tone of a teenager expressing how stupid she thought I was for even asking, she replied, "It's in Buckingham, of course."
4. How do you usually spend your day(s) off?
taking morning walks at the beach, writing, reading & planning future vacations
5. If Hollywood were making a movie about you, who would play you?
OMG - I have no idea...but I've got a long list of who could play my love interest...
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  #5 (permalink)  
Unread Feb 16th, 2005, 10:15 am
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1. If you could teach ESL anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Somewhere warm, like Mexico or Spain (This is assuming of course that money were not an issue)

2. What's your favorite drink between classes?

English Breakfast tea, if I'm not too lazy to make it and if one of my esteemed co-workers bought milk

3. Funniest/Worst ESL classroom moment?

Sooooo many. And yet my mind is blank. Maybe later - hey this subject should probably be a forum topic in itself

4. How do you usually spend your day(s) off?

Sleep until I wake up. Visit friends, shop, eat, surf internet. Repeat.

5. If Hollywood were making a movie about you, who would play you?

Ummm, Gillian Anderson? I think she's looking for work.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Unread Aug 12th, 2005, 01:26 pm
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Question Are you sure you really want to get to know me?!

Since this is my second time ever in a forum, you´ll have to bear with me. I just started teaching a couple of months ago, too...

1. If you could teach ESL anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Perhaps Japan. I love the way they have been able to mix the best of the western world with their ancient culture.

2. What's your favorite drink between classes?
It just has to be plain water. If I drink anything else like coffee or say a margarita, I would be either too hyper (and unable to think straight) or "groovy" (unable to walk straight).

3. Funniest/Worst ESL classroom moment?
My funniest yet has to be when I was not exactly teaching, but babysitting some nephews of mine in the US some ten years ago. I am born-and-raised mexican, and everyday after dinner Austin, a pre-schooler and Garret, a kindergartener, and me would talk about their day at school and how things happened in México as opposed to the States. I would always make a comment like "did you know in México we do this and that?" And emphasizing how different things were. One day, Austin told me he had been learning about where various animals came from and I would ask questions to reinforce his knowledge such as where do dinosaurs come from, "an egg" he would answer, where do calves come from, "the cow´s tummy," he´d say. He was a very analytical 5-year-old boy, who took everything so seriously and believed pretty much everything the adults said, contrary to his 4-year-old brother, Garrett. Nevertheless, I proceeded to tell him that if he knew that I had once been an "egg," (referring of course to the moment right before conception). To make a long story short (it was about time!), we went back and forth for a while; him telling me it was not possible, and showing real concern and worry since his learning structure had been questioned for the teacher had taught him that "humans are mammals," and me insisting it was indeed true. All of the sudden Garrett -probably tired of our discussion, and who had been distracted doing something else, just told him reassuringly "Don´t worry Austin, maybe in México it´s different..."
4. How do you usually spend your day(s) off?
If I am not teaching or translating, I would definitely just be watching lots of TV or DVD movies.
5. If Hollywood were making a movie about you, who would play you?
A while ago, people told me I resembled Demi Moore. Who am I to contradict them, hahaha.

Last edited by aztecprincess : Aug 31st, 2005 at 10:23 am.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Unread Aug 13th, 2005, 10:54 pm
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Very nice, aztecprincess!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Unread Aug 31st, 2005, 02:25 am
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Default So cute!

Quote aztecprincess
the teacher had taught him that "humans are mammals," ... All of the sudden Garrett ... told him reassuringly "Don´t worry Austin, maybe in México it´s different..." [/i]
Hee!hee!hee! Loved your story!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Unread Nov 15th, 2005, 11:31 pm
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Default Re: Getting To Know You

1. If you could teach ESL anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Spain. I went once and absolutely loved it. Like the food. Like the lifestyle. And love a mid afternoon nap

2. What's you favorite drink between classes?
I would go with coffee but I get served a lot of tea. Also, like Eric since I have 4 cups to start my day, my heart can only take so much speeding up. So, generally green tea these days.

3. Funniest/Worst ESL classroom moment?
I'm going to have to get back to you on this. Nothing really stands out.

4. How do you usually spend your day(s) off?
Tinkering with my computer or going to the park with my kids.

5. If Hollywood were making a movie about you, who would play you?
I would perfer Maveric or Ice Man but it would probably be Goose (or Dr. Mark Green) - Isn't it horrible that I can't remember the real actor's name
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  #10 (permalink)  
Unread Nov 15th, 2005, 11:51 pm
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Default Re: Getting To Know You

Quote mesmark
I would perfer Maveric or Ice Man but it would probably be Goose (or Dr. Mark Green) - Isn't it horrible that I can't remember the real actor's name
I don't know any of these people. Are they tv people or movie people or cartoon characters?
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  #11 (permalink)  
Unread Nov 16th, 2005, 01:05 am
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Default Re: Getting To Know You

Not a Top Gun fan? or E.R.?

Maveric (Tom Cruise) Ice Man (Val Kilmer) and Goose (?) are all the call signs for the fighter pilots from Top Gun.

Dr. Mark Green (Goose - same actor) is a character from the drama E.R.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Unread Nov 16th, 2005, 01:22 am
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Default Re: Getting To Know You

Quote mesmark
Not a Top Gun fan? or E.R.?

Maveric (Tom Cruise) Ice Man (Val Kilmer) and Goose (?) are all the call signs for the fighter pilots from Top Gun.

Dr. Mark Green (Goose - same actor) is a character from the drama E.R.
i can't even say for sure if i ever watched topgun. i know i've never watched a full episode of ER. we dont have a tv here and i think ER started after i left america...

but i like the pilot theme, very cool!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Unread Nov 20th, 2005, 09:31 pm
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Default Re: Getting To Know You

1) probably teaching in thailand if it wasnt for the $$$ or the maldives!!
2)Coffee and lots of it!!
3) Had a 15 year old korean boy take a swing at me!! and a 15 yr old gal flash me! It was the last time she was in my class!!
4)either checking out the sites around japan or playing on the compt.
5)Probably Jack black!!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Unread Nov 21st, 2005, 03:51 am
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Default Re: Getting To Know You

Quote terry66
2)Coffee and lots of it!!
you and me both
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  #15 (permalink)  
Unread Feb 4th, 2006, 12:44 am
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Default Re: Getting To Know You

1. I like teaching in Greece. It's a country with a lot of light, even in winter.And the sea is fantastic: crystal clear, you can see your toes,splendid colours, no sharks, and in the Saronic Gulf, near Athens, usually no waves.
2. I drink nettle tea from my thermos. It's supposed to clean your blood and it's easier to drink than plain water which I should be drinking plenty of.
3. It was about 5 years ago. I used to teach in a public primary school which was located quite far from the village and pupils were brought by bus every morning and taken back home as well. The first class ended their programm one hour too soon on one of the days and had to wait for the bus. Since they didn't have enough teaching hours to give me, I was only supposed to teach grades 4 -6, I was asked to keep those first graders company once a week, when there was this problem. Since I believe in doing something with time, not wasting it, I started playing little games with them, teaching them songs accompanied by my guitar and so on. We were getting along fine. One of the little boys came to my desk after "class" one day and proudly announced in Greek, obviously trying to impress me."Mrs, I know English?" "Yes?" I said and smiled encouragingly.
f+++ you" he recited bursting with pride for knowing so much.
4. My daughter has left to study Art in another city so I have stopped being a full time mum and am adjusting to having time for myself and trying to remember who I used to be before becoming a mum. So I read, I am learning how to use the net, I prepare my lessons(lately I spend a lot of time doing that, keeps my students and me happy), I play the piano, learn new songs to teach my students accompanied by my guitar, go hiking on the mountain I see from my balcony together with my dog Daphne, see my friends. I'd like to go dancing but I am too lazy and for the time being to poor to join a dancing school.
5.This is a hard one. Judy Foster, maybe?
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  #16 (permalink)  
Unread Feb 4th, 2006, 11:01 pm
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Default Re: Getting To Know You

1. If you could teach ESL anywhere in the world, where would it be? Somewhere warm, chilled out, full of smart, enthusiastic students and high wages for a 3 day week! But in reality I like teaching in Canada as there is a diverse range of nationalities in ESL classes. At the moment though I have an acute interest in Bhutan - has anyone been?

2. What's your favorite drink between classes? Water.

3. Funniest/Worst ESL classroom moment? Having to explain to a student who was going to England on holiday that the expression "I fell on my fanny" (which she'd heard in a movie, liked and repeated a lot) would have an entirely different meaning there!! Worst day was the very first, with no previous experience, a large class of complete beginners and no knowledge of the native language.

4. How do you usually spend your day(s) off? Days off - what's that?? There are never days off when you have a 4 year old!! Any time off work consists of play-dates, crafts, kindergarten phonics, swimming.......... Before maturity (!), in Mexico, it'd be tortas ahogadas, coronas and sleeping.

5. If Hollywood were making a movie about you, who would play you? Minnie Driver. Sarcastic and down-to-earth.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Unread Feb 8th, 2006, 09:26 am
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Default Re: Getting To Know You

Quote Manuela
"Mrs, I know English?" "Yes?" I said and smiled encouragingly. f+++ you" he recited bursting with pride for knowing so much.
That's classic!

Quote TLR
Before maturity (!), in Mexico, it'd be tortas ahogadas, coronas and sleeping.
I know coronas and sleeping but what is the other thing?
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  #18 (permalink)  
Unread Feb 9th, 2006, 06:42 am
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Default Re: Getting To Know You

Quote Manuela
1. I like teaching in Greece. It's a country with a lot of light, even in winter.And the sea is fantastic: crystal clear, you can see your toes,splendid colours, no sharks, and in the Saronic Gulf, near Athens, usually no waves.
Greece sounds like a dream. Wow. I'm so jealous...

Oh, and your "funniest" ESL moment is hilarious!!! Good grief. Here in Korea of course, it sounds like "Puck you", which makes it a little cute.

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  #19 (permalink)  
Unread Feb 9th, 2006, 06:48 am
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Default Re: Getting To Know You

Quote TLR
[b]1. At the moment though I have an acute interest in Bhutan - has anyone been?
TLR, hello.

I haven't been to Bhutan but I've had the same acute interest for the past few months. I haven't done much research or bought a book yet, but I found one site that really makes me want to plan a trip: A bit pricy, though.

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  #20 (permalink)  
Unread Feb 9th, 2006, 07:56 pm
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Default Re: Getting To Know You

I know coronas and sleeping but what is the other thing?[/quote]

Tortas ahogadas are big bread rolls/buns stuffed with pork and "drowned" in a chili sauce. Alomg with a few cold Coronas it's a classic Mexican hangover cure!!! And it really works. Now I'm older, hangovers are infrequent (due to lack of partying) and when they do occur unfortunately nothing can cure them!!!
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