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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mar 17th, 2005, 12:20 pm
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Default The "Talking wall".

Hey everyone!
I just wanted to share this with you. I found this activity on another site and thought it wouldn't work,but it did.
I used this in my middle school class.This class just does not speak and it's painful(for me) if you're trying to have some kind of discussion.
Have the students face each other, in pairs.They can be standing or seated.
(They were seated in my class.) The idea is to have them talk to the person opposite each other about anything for 1~2 minutes.Once the time is up, the teacher says "switch" and those students of one row, take the next seat on the right to face a new talking partner(neighbour).You get the idea.
You could use any topic.Talk about your day/favourites/things you dislike/weekend plans/movies you've seen lately,etc.
If I notice a pair not speaking, they get a minute of extra time.It's a great way to start the class.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mar 17th, 2005, 08:03 pm
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I used something like this on the first day of classes for adult and university students. It's a really good way to get to know your classmates and break the ice.

One variation on this is to have the students write the questions before they get into their rows facing the other students. That way they aren't just standing there not saying anything.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mar 21st, 2005, 12:59 am
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excellent!..thanks for the idea
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Apr 27th, 2005, 02:48 am
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Default One more variation

I have never used this activity as a warm up! Great idea! I wish I had the guts to tell the teachers in my Korean class to use this activity on us these days.

The variation I once used of this activity was for review after completing 5 units of a textbook. Each unit had one theme: international food, fashion, hobbies, etc.

So first, I paired off the chairs facing each other, say 5 pairs for a class of 10 students, and designated one topic per chair like this: Pair 1 Fashion, Pair 2 International Food, etc.

Next, you could brainstorm some questions related to each topic and put them on the board. If it really is a review, this step would be unnecessary, or could be done orally.

Then, like you said, two students sit facing each other and discuss the topic designated by their spot.

After 2 or 3 minutes, or more the teacher can ring a bell and the students all move to the right. I think it can work out that ever student talks with every other student about each topic, but I'm not mathematically inclined and don't feel like figuring out the schematics for this right now.

Anyway, this is similar to the original post in this thread, but used as a more formal review of grammar points or topics already covered in class.

Songsengnim, I really like the original method you posted, thanks. Sounds like a great way to give the shy students who resist speaking in front of a large group a few minutes to loosen up in class.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jun 1st, 2006, 03:22 am
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bridgid is on a distinguished road
Default Re: The "Talking wall".

I do something similar to this but in two circles.
The inside circles faces outwards and the other circle faces them. I then get one circle to move when I want them to change partners.
Sometimes I get one person just to talk for a minute (or until I clap my hands) on a topic which I shout out. Then the next person talks on another topic.
( I keep a pile of possible topic cards in my pencil case to use at anytime in the classroom for fillers)
Then I might get them both to talk and ask each other questions on a topic.
I just mix it up depending on their and my mood for that day.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jun 5th, 2006, 04:47 pm
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catherinebrown80 is on a distinguished road
Default Re: The "Talking wall".

Hi I've done something similar with my class but with a little twist. First you arrange the desks in your class in pairs. In each pair of desks you should have one in front of the other.
Then, you explain to your students how to play musical chairs ( ss.walk around while music is being played, once it's stopped they should find a seat).
I use an OHT to have topics written and numbered from 1 trhough 5 or 7. you could also do this on the board. The number of topics would depend on the number of students you have inclass.
Then I tell my students they will have to dance or walk around to the rythim of the music and when it stops they must find a seat. At this point the teacher (me) throws a dice, the number I get is the number of the topic they should discuss for a minute or two (you decide)
As soon as time is up play the music again and have them walking around once more.
It's lots of fun and my adults seem to enjoy it the most.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18th, 2006, 04:54 pm
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cabst90 is on a distinguished road
Default Re: The "Talking wall".

I used to open almost all of my adult classes with an activity similar to this. However, I had a list of questions and kept questions on slips of paper. I would give them specific questions to ask their partners, usually somehow related to the lesson of that class or the class before. Each person has a different question. They would talk for a few minutes and change partners. In a small class, I would try to arrange it so that everyone talked to everyone else. My classes always loved it. Be sure to include (as much as possible) everyone's interests, serious questions, fun questions, etc.
A good list of questions is at:
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sep 19th, 2006, 05:19 am
Join Date: Jul 13th, 2006
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simplyesl is on a distinguished road
Default Re: The "Talking wall".

I like to have sts pick a topic at random and then talk for as long as they can about it. You can make it into a competition and ask focus questions to make sure all the sts were listening.
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