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nshah Jun 23rd, 2007 10:48 am

Need Help!! Phrasal Verb Games!!
Hello all,

I need help to come up with Group Activities for Phrasal Verbs. It is for an intermediate level. It is for a 30 minutes.

If anyone can help, that would really great!!

Hope you all can help!! Please help!!


cabst90 Jul 13th, 2007 08:49 am

Re: Need Help!! Phrasal Verb Games!!
This game practices which preposition goes with which verb. Split the class into two teams. Write a list of verbs (without the prepositions) on the board, two times in two different orders. Each team must go to the board, one person at a time, and write one preposition. The team cannot talk and they cannot write more than one preposition at a time. If they notice that someone else has made a mistake, they may correct it. However, this counts as their turn. The team to finish first and correctly wins.

Also, you can write the verbs and prepositions on separate pieces of paper and the students must match them. You could even play memory like this.

shucklemoon Apr 27th, 2008 07:56 pm

Re: Need Help!! Phrasal Verb Games!!
Phrasal verb dominos: Create a series of paper "dominos", with a particle on the left and a verb on the right. Place the first domino on a table, and ask students to take turns adding a domino to the right or the left of it to make a new phrasal verb. You can ask them to use the verb in a sentence each time they place a domino.

jenjenjag Apr 29th, 2008 06:49 am

Re: Need Help!! Phrasal Verb Games!!

Try phrasal verb jeopardy! Another teacher gave me a copy of the game board when I was working in Prague, and I have used it countless times (with great success).

All you need is a white/chalk board, about 20-30 phrasal verbs, and their synonyms.

Make a grid on the board. On the top, write "make", "take", "put", "break", etc. (in other words: the verb parts of phrasal verbs). You can choose which phrasal verbs to use.

Then in the far left hand column, write 10, 15, 20, 25 in descending order from the top row.

This can be played with a large class, divided into two/three teams, or it can be played with small groups (every student for his/her self).

The first student chooses "make" for 10 points, for example. You provide the non-phrasal verb equivalent (e.g. to reconcile), and the student must provide the phrasal verb (e.g. make up).

If the student is correct, I usually write his/her name or his/her team's name in the correct square. That helps to keep track of points. I also usually assign the more difficult or less common phrasal verbs the higher point values.

Good luck!

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