Name: The Human Buzzer Game Age Group: Kids up to around Middle School. Maybe, a fun-loving highschool group that I'm familiar with, probably never with adults.
Purpose: To review previously studied language in any format (question and answer, spelling, finish the sentence, transformation drills, etc.)
Language: Any.
Materials: One paper and marker/ team for keeping score. Chairs. A set of question cards.
1) Divide the class into groups of 3s. If you have an odd number you can designate one or two students to be the Questionners, otherwise
YOU the teacher will be asking all the questions.
2) Have one student from each team sit on chair lined in a row.
3) Have one teammate stand BEHIND their friend who is sitting on the chair.
4) Have one teammate sit on the floor in front of their teammate who is sitting on the chair.
Can't visualize yet? See diagram below.
5) Give a paper and pencil to each of the students sitting on the floor. They are the scorekeepers.
6) Tell each standing person that they will be answering the questions. Before they answer, they must hit their "buzzers". Their buzzers are the students sitting in the chairs.
7) Have each team "test" their buzzers by pressing the shoulders of their sitting teammate.
*NOTE. Pressing shoulders is better than touching anyone's head. In some cultures, touching another person's head is condescending and taboo. Plus boys get rowdy, you don't want a case of whiplash.
8) When teammates touch their friends' shoulders, friends should make some sort of sound like "beeeeeeep" or whatever they come up with. Have them practice once first, some "buzzers" can be rather slow.
9) Either you or one of the odd-one-out students can now begin asking questions.
10) Listen for a buzzer before accepting an answer. One point goes to the team who answers correctly. Their scorekeeper should mark this down. If a team yells out a correct answer without first beeping their buzzer
they do not get a point!
11) After 5 or so questions have been answered, have students rotate so they each get new buzzers, new scorekeepers and new students answering questions.
12) Game ends when one team gets X number of points, or after X number of minutes. Enjoy!