Oct 4th, 2008, 07:17 pm
eslHQ Member | | Join Date: Sep 24th, 2008
Posts: 1
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great activity for teenagers Hi guys!!
I'm writing from Chile, and I most say this web site is a life-saver. I'm trying to get my degree as an English teacher and the activities that I've found here are great!!. I came up with a new version of one I read somewhere. I hope it can help you as much as it helped me.
I did it with my very large 13 year-old students' class. It's to review adjectives. 3 minutes to brainstorm all the adjetives they can remember from the top of their heads. then you divide the class in groups of 4. I put 12 brown paper-bags in a table in front of the class. each bag had something different. Dry spaghetti, cooked spaghetti, cotton balls, paper clips, dry leaves, a pencil, uncooked rice, etc. you can use anything you want.
first you ask for a volunteer to come up. he has to describe the content of the bag to his team using only the adjectives on the board, if his team doesn't guess, the others can have a chance and they get points. then a member of the team that won goes to the front to guess the content of another bag. whithin no time everybody will be raising their hands to play!!
if you can think of another game or activity for 13 year-old students let me know, please!! hope you like it, see ya!  |