Hi Guys,
Thanks for the links Fleone, I'll have a look at them now and see if there's anything there that'll inspire me

No multimedia in the classrooms, so will be a print job for me, but I'm sure I'll find something in there.
Mark, I totally agree with you, the games need to be interesting as games themselves, hence why I've found it difficult to find a game for teens - they're so moody and just seem disinterested in EVERYTHING (Wonder if I was like that when I was young!?)
I think what has me most stumped is A) they're COMPLETE beginners, so starting with "to be", the alphabet and numbers and B) there's only 2 of them and they don't like to be pitted against each other from what I can sense so many games that can usually be played with 2 are out.
We did play Bingo on Wednesday as we were learning 20-100 and it went really well, so I'll probably try bingo with target language for them. I also tried some memory games where I had X amount of pictures of objects on the table and they'd close their eyes, I'd remove one & they'd have to guess what I'd taken... still occasionally bringing out hangman to help with their spelling.
There's only 2 more weeks of summer camp left, so I'll have a look at what Fleone sent me and I'm sure I'll find something to inspire me and help me out!
Thanks again guys,