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  #1 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 10th, 2007, 12:49 pm
eslHQ Member
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Default please help me about passives

Hi, I'm a new member of this site. I am a student of Elt.Ihave to make a lesson plan about passive voice. I have to find different and enjoyable activities. please help me because I made my micro teaching last week and my lecturer didn't like it.
please help me I have to be successful this time
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  #2 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 11th, 2007, 04:22 am
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Default Re: please help me about passives

Can you give us a little bit more information Scroll? When planning any lesson, you need to take into consideration things like
a) the age of the students. Are they children? teenagers? adults?
b) the level of the students and especially what they know already. Which active verb forms have they already met? have they ever encountered the passive before? If so in which
form(s)? Is the objective of your lesson an initial presentation of the form or further practice?
c) the length of the lesson. Have you got 20 minutes to teach this or two hours?

In the meantime - there are a couple of threads focusing on the passive in the English Questions forum and I'm sure you'll find worksheets on this site, on MesEnglish and probably on some of the other sites whose "owners" post here. Let us know the exact context of your lesson and we can probably make some suggestions as to how to use them in your lesson.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 11th, 2007, 05:21 pm
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Default Re: please help me about passives

hi,thanks for your answer susan53. I will teach ıntermediate level of students. I have 10-12 minutes. I will suppose that my student know present passives and I will teach them past passive affirmatives only.I will start the lesson with a map of Turkey and revision of present passive. and then I will use a newspaper headline which is written in Turkish and I want them to translate it English.then naturally they can not do it.After that I will say " If we want to say this sentences in English,We will have to continue our last lesson topic." After that in presentation stage I will use pictures.But I can not decide which activities I should do. I have to make controlled,controlled and semi controlled activities or controlled, semi-controlled and then free controlled activities.I used flash cards in the mes-english and I did the passive game but my lecturer said that it would probably collapse in real classroom and didn't like it. please help me.I have to show my lesson plan on Wednesday to my lecturer and she doesn't like everything.She finds always something to say.
thanks for your answers.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 11th, 2007, 06:59 pm
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Default Re: please help me about passives

I made this last week, but my lecturer didn' t like my activities so I have to do it again.Also I want to ask something Do you think my lead-in and introduce the topic section good? I am not sure of them. Please help me because I have to show my lesson plan on Wednesday. And so far this hour I have been searching on the net, but I could not find anything good.
thanks for your answers
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  #5 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 11th, 2007, 07:03 pm
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Default Re: please help me about passives

thanks for everybody, please gşve me ideas!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 11th, 2007, 07:06 pm
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Default Re: please help me about passives

I wrote replies two times but why can not I see what I wrote?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 11th, 2007, 07:23 pm
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Default Re: please help me about passives

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I wrote replies two times but why can not I see what I wrote?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 12th, 2007, 04:17 am
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Default Re: please help me about passives

thank you. I can see now, but can't you answer my questions and help me?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 12th, 2007, 03:45 pm
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Default Re: please help me about passives

You don't say why your tutor didn't like the lesson, and I can't find the activity which you used, but I would guess that the problem was that it was a practice activity which you were using when you needed to be presenting the language. You can't expect the students to use the language until they've heard it, they've understood the grammar and they've had a chance to repeat it and use it under controlled conditions.

You have the disadvantage that you only have 12 mins - nothing in classroom terms, and the advantage that they already know the present passive and its use and, presumably was/were. Given this, they should be able to "invent" the past passive for themselves without too much difficulty

I would introduce the past like this :

a) Show the Ss 6 pictures or objects in pairs of 3 – one singular, one plural. I suggest : places -The Taj Mahal and the pyramids; some well-known books – eg Lord of the Rings and 2 or 3 James Bond novels; objects – a wooden ruler and some ballpoint pens . The students must know the places/books for this to work. Check that they recognise them /know their names (What’s this? / It’s …; What are these? /They’re …) and list them on the board in this order :
The ruler …
The pens …
The Taj Mahal …
The Pyramids …
Lord of the Rings …
The James Bond novels …

These are the beginnings of the sentences which they will write in stage 3.

b) Tell the Ss you’re going to describe the things, and they have to listen and identify them. Say each of the following sentences two or three times as necessary. (NB I am assuming that the students will already know the verbs used. If not, then you’ll have to change to different objects which can be described using verbs which they do know) :

These are made of plastic
This was built by an Indian prince.
This was written by Tolkien
These were built by the ancient Egyptians
This is made of wood.
These were written by Ian Fleming.

The students simply have to understand and call out the names of the objects.

c) Pair the students and ask them to see if they can remember what you said about each object. Give them the option of hearing all the sentences once again before they start, and then do the first, The ruler is made of wood at class level. Complete the sentence on the board and check that they remember the formation of the passive and its use.
Tell them not to do the sentences in order necessarily, but to work first on those they remember best.

d) When they’ve had a chance to think about them, stop the pairwork and ask them for the sentence about the pens. Use the ruler/pens to point out the singular/plural difference, and then use what they come up with for LOTR the pyramids to point out the use of the past of BE (sing/plural) for these past events. If they've used is ask : Is it present or past? What's the past of BE? Give them a chance to check what they wrote for the last two before you elicit the answers and write them up.

e) Repetition work (backchaining) on all the model sentences.

Ideally I’d want 20 mins for this (5 mins per stage). But I can’t see how you can do it more quickly. 10 minutes is unrealistic for a structural presentation. You might be able to condense the first stage by putting the pictures and the names on the board before the lesson starts.

Hope that gives you a few ideas.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 13th, 2007, 09:09 am
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Default Re: please help me about passives

thanks for your help
I did the same actvities which you said. for example I start the revision of the present tense and with a map of turkey. I will show a tea picture and ask questions about it and then put it on the map.anyway ı can do these stages but the problem is actvities after the presentations. I can not decide I should use active sentence and want them to change it passive, fill in the blanks, passive to active, read the passage and change it to passive or circle which one is appropriate active / passive.
anyway I have to do my lesson plan tonight and decide the activities because I have to an appointment with my lecturer tomorrow.I will write you what happened then.
thanks for your help
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  #11 (permalink)  
Unread Mar 19th, 2007, 02:53 pm
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Default Re: please help me about passives

have you tried using realia in class... that is real information and just sentences off the top of your head, for example...
the telephone was invented by...
america was discovered by...
the pacifc ocean was discovered by...
you can do a sort of match the names in column A with the corresponding information in column B. this activity will help your students acquire the proper use of passive voice. tell me how it goes. have fun
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