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Oden Nov 26th, 2010 09:47 pm

search "for" something on the Internet
Hello Sue,

Guamuchil is the home of the immortal Mexican actor Pedro Infante.

When you search the word Guamuchil on the Internet, you find it related to the image of the Mexican idol Pedro Infante.
- search something on the Internet
- search for something on the Internet
Both are correct, aren't they?

Beatrix Nov 27th, 2010 01:47 am

Re: search "for" something on the Internet
I think so.

susan53 Nov 27th, 2010 04:08 am

Re: search "for" something on the Internet
The language is changing. My original reaction was to say : No - you need the preposition. You could say either,

He searched for the answer on the Internet.
He searched the internet for the answer.

but in each case "for" must be used.

I was convinced. However, given that you should never trust your own intuition about language, I checked it anyway, and found loads of examples like :

This site allows you to search information on current funding programmes (UK site)
Use * to search words with different letters (e.g. wom*n). (UK site)
the search boxes offer the opportunity to search Accommodation (by keyword, price and region). (NZ site)
To search accommodation and flights online... (US site)

Interestingly, the context was always connected with the internet. In other contexts (at least all the ones I checked) for was always used - eg :

Police and Johannesburg metro police officers knocked on each door in extension six as they searched for stolen goods

So : my conclusion would be that when you're looking for information of some sort on the internet, then either are possible. If you're talking about something else, use for.

At the moment anyway. The change is likely to spread...

Oden Nov 28th, 2010 03:46 am

Re: search "for" something on the Internet
Thank you, Sue. :) Here is one piece for you. You may have the rest unless you are on a diet.

susan53 Nov 28th, 2010 06:04 am

Re: search "for" something on the Internet
I've just blown my diet ... :(

clevermae Mar 22nd, 2011 05:49 pm

Re: search "for" something on the Internet
Yes both are correct! But in different way of using...

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