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susan53 Mar 8th, 2007 08:08 am

100 Today!
An ELT Notebook is having a party! We've just reached our 100th article and we're celebrating. Come to the site and you'll find a glass of (virtual) champagne waiting for you.

Many, many thanks to all the regulars from this site who have contributed articles - thanks Michèle, Mark, Clive, LivinginKorea,and Emile (eek! I hope I haven't forgotten anyone). There's a whole bottle of champagne waiting for you (sorry, still the virtual stuff - I couldn't work out how to upload the real thing.):lol:

And thanks to Eric too for all the publicity that ESLhq has provided. I appreciate it.

michèle 2 Mar 9th, 2007 02:18 am

Re: 100 Today!
the virtual glass of champagne was great!!
Thanks Sue

Eric Mar 9th, 2007 05:12 am

Re: 100 Today!
Congrats Sue!

You have such awesome content there! So much so we even put a plug in for you on our last podcast that will be up some time on monday.

Great job!

susan53 Mar 9th, 2007 06:10 am

Re: 100 Today!
Thank you! One of the things I've really appreciated in the last six months, since I've been running the site, is how willing everyone else is to help. Not only with publicity, providing links and plugs and so on, but also with practical help. Several times I've written to people saying I really like how you do X on your site. can you tell me how to do it on mine? - and received really long helpful Emails in return. I can't imagine walking into another "non-virtual" business and saying a) will you mention me in your publicity and b) can you tell me how to provide your key service - :lol: OK, for most people, their sites aren't 100% of their income and not all of them have commercial objectives as their prime objective. But however commercial the sites, the feeling of collaboration rather than competition has been the same. If this is the start (however tentative) of an alternative business paradigm, I'm all for it.

michèle 2 Mar 9th, 2007 07:34 am

Re: 100 Today!
Yes, Sue
Lots of people are full of generosity i'm a novice on the internet I don't even know how to use the blog I've just created , don't understand how Google pages works! But I think that the internet is a fantastic tool to share opinions and experience it enables people to enlarge their knowledge , meet outstanding people and reunite the world. ( Thanks to the English language)

mesmark Mar 13th, 2007 01:25 am

Re: 100 Today!
I was quite impressed with how helpful everyone was and that's how i got to know Eric, actually. He was helping me with my code on my site. Then as we talked more and more the relationship helped us both a great deal.

I can always use a bit of wisdom and I try to pass along anything I can to help the others out there. The webmaster side of the internet is really a nice community.

Like you said most people aren't out there as their primary business. And, I think everyone is just happy to chat about their site and what they've done. I can't do it in everyday life. 'Hey, guess what, I upped my PR by changing a couple H tags in my code.' :nerd:

Nobody knows what I'm talking about. :becky:

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