1. If you could teach ESL anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Spain. I went once and absolutely loved it. Like the food. Like the lifestyle.

And love a mid afternoon nap
2. What's you favorite drink between classes?
I would go with coffee but I get served a lot of tea. Also, like Eric since I have 4 cups to start my day, my heart can only take so much speeding up. So, generally green tea these days.
3. Funniest/Worst ESL classroom moment?
I'm going to have to get back to you on this. Nothing really stands out.
4. How do you usually spend your day(s) off?
Tinkering with my computer or going to the park with my kids.
5. If Hollywood were making a movie about you, who would play you?
I would perfer Maveric or Ice Man but it would probably be Goose (or Dr. Mark Green) - Isn't it horrible that I can't remember the real actor's name