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Unread May 28th, 2007, 02:38 am
HUE HUE is offline
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Default pronunciation problems

I decided to put together a few lessons on pronunciation and intonation for my site, and need everyone's comments/advice. I've only taught Japanese learners of English, and so am very familiar with their problem areas in speaking. But what is it like with other learners? Specifically:

1. Are there specific sounds difficult to pronounce because of the learner's L1?

2. Are there sound pairs that cause problems? For example, Japanese people have a lot of trouble with "b" and "v," or "l" and "r."

Any answers are very much appreciated!

Thank you.
Chris Cotter
Better Language Teaching resource ebook.
Free flashcards at The Flashcard Hub.
Just print and teach materials at Heads Up English.

Last edited by HUE : May 28th, 2007 at 04:00 am.
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