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Unread Apr 25th, 2007, 09:37 am
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Default Re: Anyone doing anything for Earth Day?

Quote DaveESL
They actually went really well! I'm going to put a page up (with materials and pictures) on my website one of these days.

The bike ride was cool. We must have talked to over 500 people. And I'd say about 40 people showed up to the Earth Day event. It went really well. Too many more and it would have been difficult to keep things organized. We're now thinking about adapting it to bring to local junior and senior high schools. In preparation, I just made lyrics for "The 12 Days of Earth Day".

Take care,
That's cool! I wish that I did something like that but alas I work in loads of places and have to carry the stuff with me. Pity as I'm sure that the kids would have loved to do it. Once I get a full time job then I will be more involved. Right now I'm focusing on working and studying.
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