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Unread Mar 26th, 2020, 03:29 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: Banning cigarette ads

This isn't a forum for correcting work - apart from anything else if someone got their work corrected here and then submitted it, it would be cheating. Look at what is in the text, and if you have a specific doubt about a word or phrase, post a question.

However, one clue. Look at my paragraph above (and this one). After any punctuation - commas, full stops, brackets, exclamation marks or whatever, there is always a space before the next word. If the text has to be written to a word limit, running the words together (eg: ..word.If...) would make the computer count them as one word - whereas really they should be counted as two (...word. If...). If a learner submitted work where this had been done but was still within the word limit (or if there was no word limit), it would still be marked down as having punctuation errors. If, on the other hand, separating the words took it over the stated word limit, it would fail for not having respected the task requirements.
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