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Unread Oct 13th, 2019, 08:07 am
fface fface is offline
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Default Re: some pal you are!

Quote susan53 View Post
Not necessarily. As I said above, "some" just conveys the idea of something being extreme in some way. For example, imagine you'd been in a meeting where people had got really heated, and were shouting at each other and almost starting to fight. Afterwards you might say to a friend : Wow - that was some meeting!
Or if you'd been out for what you thought was going to be a long but gentle walk, and afterwards found yourself going up and down steep hills all the time, at the end of the day you might say (as you collapsed exhaustedly into an armchair) Wow - that was some walk!
Hi susan,

Can I say "Wow - some meeting that was!" instead of "Wow - that was some meeting!" to express the same meaning here?

Can I say "Wow - some walk that was!" instead of "Wow - that was some walk!" to express the same meaning here?

Thank you very much for your great answer.
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