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Unread Apr 19th, 2007, 10:28 pm
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Default Re: Native Speaker Errors

Personally, I wouldn't really call any of the things described in this thread errors. Well, not in spoken English, anyways. The first two examples I agree are errors if written, though.

I guess what I'm saying is that I tend much more to the descriptive side of language teaching than the prescriptive side. I try to tell me students how people talk, instead of telling them how they *should* talk.

There is a huge amount of variety in spoken English (and written English, to a lesser extent). This happens on geographic lines, economic ones, generational ones and so forth. That's a really beautiful thing about language. I guess "right" and "wrong" just don't really interest me very much.

But, in the interest of not being a jerk, let me give an example of an ungrammatical thing I often say:

There's three apples in the kitchen.

Take care!
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