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Unread Jun 11th, 2017, 07:01 am
Top_Drawer Top_Drawer is offline
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Default Re: Please help - teaching abstract concepts to Kindergarten

Hahaha now I'm not sure if I've misrepresented the school or been fair and you're right!

What we did, in the end was have a different gesture for each greeting, the children sing along to the song with including some of the greetings and repeat what is being said on the screen - they obviously don't know what they're saying, but they played a game and knew the difference between the different noises for each.

The book they're using is pretty simple - not much text, lots of pictures and colourful.

Unfortunately, this is by fair the best (training school) position I've had to date and by fair the best job (in terms of teaching materials / teachers & pay) in this area of rural China so I have to stick with it for the time being.
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