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Unread Nov 17th, 2016, 08:06 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: placement of "now"

The problem isn't just "now" (which is flexible in its positioning) - it's the choice of verb forms, which are sometimes not possible, and the meaning. Here's a rewrite of the sentences which clarifies them :

1. I am not going to cook lunch now/yet. I want to read a novel instead.

2. I don't know now what my uncle is planning for my birthday. This means : I knew a few days ago but he's changed the plans and hasn't told me the new ones. Do you mean : I don't know what my uncle is planning for my birthday yet meaning : Up to now he hasn't told me anything.

3.I don't want to do what you asked right now, but I'll do it later
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