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Unread Sep 16th, 2016, 02:32 am
alexlearner alexlearner is offline
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Default lose money + an adverb and make money + an adverb

In one of my previous posts, I made up a few sentences with "to lose something severely, which were wrong.

susan53 corrected my mistakes. Many thanks for all of her help with all my posts.

However, I still have a lot of trouble with "to lose money + an adverb" and "to make money + an adverb".

I am going to make up two sentences below.

(1) A lack of computer business skills made him lose money ___ .

(a) haplessly
(b) horrendously
(c) atrociously

(2) His long business experience and excellent marketing strategies helped him make money ___ .

(a) swimmingly
(b) prosperously
(c) effortlessly

I am really struggling to find the right adverbs for losing and making money. Please help me. Thanks a lot.
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