Quote michèle 2
We decided about five years ago to get rid of our car, for various reasons, including environmental ones. |
I'm not sure I could completely get rid of the car, although I do find myself using it less and less (mainly because I'm trying to work exclusively in the same town).
I have taken Canale 5 and Rete 4 off my TV though! :-)
I thought that would be hard to get used to but I miss it not one jot! I'm gradualy trying to wean myself off TV completely. We'll have to wait and see if I manage it.
I think this is because I'm using the net more and more for entertainment. I'm enjoying many of the comedy podcasts available. Which takes us nicely back to the original point of how the net is becoming more important in our lives.
Another example of being lost without it:
This week I had to find a song for the kids related to flowers \ gardens for the school play. It had to be long enough to warrant being included but not too short so the parents blink and miss it. The language had to be simple enough for them to learn in quite a short time but not too banal or repetitive. Now, without the net how on earth would I have gone about finding something?
(By the way, I chose 'The gardener plants the seeds' sung to the tune of the Farmer's in the Dell)
Now I've got my fingers crossed that it gores better than the Christmas fiasco