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Unread Sep 11th, 2016, 02:57 am
alexlearner alexlearner is offline
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Default What are the grammar mistakes in my sentences?

I would like to write down some similar sentences below.

(1a) The works I am presenting by the various artists in my gallery are all very creative and splendid.

(1b) The works by the various artists I am presenting in my gallery are all very creative and splendid

(1c) The various artists' works I am presenting in my gallery are all very creative and splendid.

(2a) The best essays I am going to read to you by some students in a local school talk about the latest computer technology.

(2b) The best essays by some students in a local school I am going to read to you talk about the latest computer technology.

(2c) Some students' best essays I am going to read to you talk about the latest computer technology.

I am not sure which sentences sound natural, if any, in these groups. What are the grammar mistakes in them? Please help me. Thank you very much for your time and help.
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