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Unread May 21st, 2016, 07:38 am
jenplus4fr jenplus4fr is offline
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Default Re: Teaching Disabled Teens

Well, one boy is autistic, with a tendency to get angry if he makes too many mistakes. None have Downs' Syndrome. One girl has an English father, so understands a fair bit, but has real problems deciphering words, so written English is really slow. One boy is very diligent, but just extremely slow at understanding things. Two other boys have a fairly good background, and pick things up quickly. As you can see, it's a real mix! And, I don't know who I'll get added next year. I have to keep things very simple for one group, but not infantile either. The other group, I've been able to study some texts and popular songs as a basis for vocabulary. I have no teaching training, so am really winging it here!
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