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Unread May 16th, 2016, 06:02 am
sidewalker sidewalker is offline
Join Date: Jan 26th, 2009
Location: Berlin, Germany
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sidewalker is on a distinguished road
Default Re: do the English learn English?

I understand that it's difficult for many native English speakers to motivate themselves to learn another foreign language (the case for non-native speakers to learn English is very strong today). However, I think at least they should learn to be able to regulate their speech in order to be able to take part in the world of international English. In Britain this has always been caught up in class politics but I think learning international English should be a lot less contentious than learning "Oxford", "BBC", or "the Queen's" English.

There was a recent podcast on the subject here:
Check out for more ESL games and activities for adults.
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