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Unread Apr 19th, 2016, 06:55 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: Definite article "the" with places/buildings

Normally, when a place name starts with the name of a person - eg John Hopkins University - or of a place - eg Lancaster University - the article is omitted. on the other hand, if it starts with the noun (or adjective/noun) and/or includes the noun plus "of" - eg the University of Lancaster - it is included.

So normal usage would be :

Kazimierz Wielki Primary School in Przedbórz

John Paul II Junior High School in Przedbórz

Saint Paul's Cathedral

John Hopkins University


The Folk Museum in Przedbórz

The Church of Saint Alex in Przedbórz

The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

If you follow these rules, you'll always be correct, even if certain institutions do break them idiosyncratically.
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