Thread: inform
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Unread Aug 22nd, 2015, 05:21 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: inform

I had understood that the programme had already been scheduled and would take place in the terms indicated. That's the automatic interpretation. In that case, you have a choice. The preposition following "schedule" is for, but you talk about something happening in a particular period (here, Term One or Two) - so either preposition can be used.

Stylistically, the less repetition in a text the better - which is probably why, unconsciously, I chose for the first time and in the second. It could have been the other way round or I could have used the same preposition both times, but as I said - avoid repetition if possible when you're writing.

In order to indicate that it was the scheduling of the courses itself that would happen at a particular time, you would have to change the sentence to something like :

The schedule for the courses will not be arranged until Term Two.
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